Baby steps - learning to speak Dutch

I now have 3 more Ukrainian refugees who have decided to join me in learning the Dutch language. That is awesome. Languages take practice and persistence. The more beginner level learners I have along with me, the more can we excel in learning the language and together (and only together) can we reach a level of language proficiency where we can add value to the local community. Granted, I am not at a pace that I'd love to be. I need to pick up the langauge in a professional level if I ever want to practice medicine here. Nevertheless, it is a start. In the last few days I have picked up a little and now I am slowly going back to the days where I learned Russian by listening more than anything. Now that I have a very basic grasp of the language, I can start picking up words and pronunciations from the local people. Today, I also found a few more links that could help me find a job. I am tired of doing nothing. There is no clear end to this war (although I hope it is real soon) and I simply cannot sit and wait till it ends. Here is to more productive days!My desire to work with other refugees and people in need of help is growing by the day. If I have the DUtch language in my arsenal along with all the other languages I know, plus my medical profession, I think I can find a good opportunity to work with other people in need for help.

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