CCQ3:What is your relationship with animals.


This is my response to this week's topic titled {what is your relationship with animals}am going to be answering most of the questions asked.

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We are all surrounded by animals; we have domestic animals which are friendly to we can keep us and at home as pet and also we have the wild animals which are the dangerous ones and can harm us.

Here are some few questions I would like to ask and answer about our relationship with animals.

*Do you like animals? Why or why not?

My answer to this is yes I like animals not just animals but domestic animals like dogs, cat and the likes, I love animals as they are friendly to humans.

*Do you have or have you ever had a pet?

Yes, I have had a pet which was a dog. I named him Johnny; he was so friendly and social to people in the community and was playful as well; he enjoys following me to wherever I want to go. As they say, dog is man's best friend; he was my best friend then, but eventually something shocking happened to him which made him sick and before we knew it; he was gone. I couldn't bear the pain, as he was the first pet I had. Hopefully, I will have another one soon.

*Are animals respected or looked down upon in your culture?

Animals are respected in our culture as man's best friend as they are friendly and loyal to their owners, so in a nutshell we respect the freedom of animals.

*What wild animals can be found where you live (or in your hometown)?

We have tons of wild animals here and there, you won't be surprised seeing monkeys passing the top of your roof in my hometown as that's their routine, there are many animals that can be found in my hometown town and where I live, let me make a list of animals that you can find, I'll try to make it short

Snakes, monkeys, buffalo, galago, warthogs, bushbabies and so many more.

*What animal do you feel most attracted to or connected to?

I feel more attracted to dogs and chickens as I have reared them early last year and I have understand their basics though I am more connected to dogs as they are so friendly and playful and can cheer me up whenever am moody and have no one to play with.

Thanks for reading 🥰

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[Read cash] I am using a different username on other platform.

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