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Cross culture theater Arts; 90s and80s a today's contemporary no way head lamp

Theater art and cross culture: The true meaning and it intended impacts

When I was a child I listened so much of lucky Dube and Michael Jackson, these two Artists always make my day. I didn't consider Michael Jackson's son, as just a hippo but it was to me a way to understand what cross-cultural is.

One of the tracks by Michael Jackson that keeps me thrilling is, we are the children.

I love the pop musician, his message such that anytime I find a single time to play any of the dis at home, I feel good.

Even the dancing steps, was one of my practicing dance steps. Though I considered it a very interesting way, of bring cross-cultural and theater art, in the front page.

Lucky Dube who was a core raggedest, while I was growing up, I also find my best son, in his Music.
When I was in my secondary school days, I came across the word, cross culture and theater Art, I didn't get the meaning too well. Because both the then as a young mind was just the same.

As the time went by, and I kept listening to their music, I got my personal lessons, that they were cross centralist, even though I had an interest in culture and theater Art.

But one thing I learned is that they both were a strong cross futurist, through their musical band and performances of the theater Arts.

So cross-Cultural is one thing that is unique to be involved, its unity's people together and brings that unique vibes when deployed in the right context.

I would want to elaborate on the TV show of the 90s and 80s theater as concerns cross-Cultural.

When I look at what brought people together within the 90s and the 80s cross-cultural era, it was the cross-cultural act of then, which created that space and the atmosphere.

Giving the era outstanding cross-Cultural relationship among and theater Arts of other people.

But I'm not really looking at cross culture in it meaning rather, I am looking at it, in this post, as it concerns my feelings and how the theater Art of the 90s andv80s were able to integrate, people.

And brought what values it created in its sense, compared to what cross-cultural is today.

I am more enlightened that during the 90s there was a forceful, interface, of strong bonds among people, care, and love was all about general ethnic concern, continental, and relationships valuation.

For stances, Nigerian and Ghana was one of the best Intercultural family in western Africa with so many others to be mentioned, within the contest of my knowledge.

Cross-Cultural then carried love, relationship, oneness, unity. Great men within the period, like Nelson Mandela of South Africa, Chinuacheb of Nigeria, and of Williams Shakespeare, among many but few mentioned, Intercultural thematic masterpiece, as they, show and deployed love in theirs series. Not just that, I saw the educational value and meaning of drivable.

But today, from the 2001 to date, I lost the meaning of what cross-cultural and theater arts intend to converge, in the communic notion of true cross-cultural performance.

And I'm yet to pick up again in.

It many seem to exist because humans exist, but this content looks at the how, of the 90s andv80s and the how, of today's cross-cultural initiative. In fact, I am not saying it, but no cross culture exists anymore