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So this is my first post here. Really hope I receive love from this community.

African music has been "completely" decolonized with no incentive other than fame and recognition.

African musicians have revolutionized African music not out of the expectation of a monetary reward. His motivation is mainly self-expression, the display of talents, recognition, and notoriety. They love what they do and just want to do it, even if they have to sell their home or suffer dire straits.

African Music
From Johannesburg to Dakar, foreign music has disappeared in Africa. Not because foreign music is not good, but because local music is good and there is no time to listen to American, European, or Arabic music.

Countries like China or Germany have a similar market for engineering. The engineers there are not primarily motivated by money, but by expression, the display of talent, the recognition of peers, the rewards. It is an honorable title to be an engineer or a scientist.

The United States and Northern Europe have a similar market for software engineers who, in their thousands, spend billions of hours leveraging their talents or joining open-source efforts to demonstrate their talents, values, and put their creativity on display. and ingenuity.

It is fascinating to see how these creative and engineering markets develop, but especially how they could be stimulated forever in the world.

Money is not everything. And the best things are not created by people motivated by money.
Little people let money dominate their minds and withdraw from within. Great people have a passion for the good, for self-expression, a talent that goes beyond any external impulse.

In Africa, we need more creative markets like the music market. A big thank you to all African artists and writers, especially Nigerian musicians.

I love conceited people!