Butter Making Machine

Hey crazy world. Hope all are good and enjoying.
This is a butter machine. It's very popular household product. It can be used in both commercial and domestic purpose. It comes with heavy motor wich consumes upto 125 watts. It extract the butter out of the curd.
This we need only if we want to make large amout of butter at a time.
As my Mom lives in a joint family so she needs this type of heavy machine on weekly basis to make butter for all my family.


Butter is made by churning or shaking the cream until the milk fat departs from the remaining buttermilk. With the use of it the whole process is very simple. Just dip the rotating shaft of the machine into the bowl of the curd and switch on.



Place the lid and let it churn utill the buttermilk and butter solid separated. Continue churning until the butter solids begin to clump together. Once you get large chunk of butter, stop churning.


Now separate the thick creamy texture from the remaining buttermilk.
The churned butter has a nice tangy flovour and creamier texture.



Now we can make ghee by putting this butter on stove on low medium flame until the water evaporates leaving behind milk solids.
What remains is only liquid fat which is known as Ghee.


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