RE: 🌎🌎🌎 Cross Culture Question: What kind of stereotypes do people have about your country? Do you think they are true or not?

Depending on the specific stereotypes, bias, ideas, etc, and other things, long story short, a particular stereotype can be not very accurate, very false, very fake, or a little accurate, a little truthful, or maybe even very accurate, and it partly depends on statistics. So, a stereotype can emphasize on a trend as seen in the majority of the people. The stereotypes of India are personifying things you can see in India and in people, that is thousands to millions and sometimes billions of people. Beyond that, we can look at history which you mentioned in this article. That can be an even longer story. Some stereotypes can be out of context and incomplete or circumstantial or coincidental. They say don't judge a book by its cover, but it can be wise to understand that a lot can be said generally speaking on the cover of people, normally speaking, and on the cover of some stereotypes. Of course, exceptions exist to these generalities. Of course, things can change. Of course, we should look at how things got the way they are in the first place via studying history, psychology, theology, etc.

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