The arrival of newborn babies in ALAGO culture.

Every culture has a way of welcoming a newborn baby.
In my culture, there is nothing much done to welcome newborn babies.

Alago people from nasarawa state will always do their best to ensure that the baby feels the warm atmosphere even though they come out of the womb crying.

Some say babies cry because the world is a wicked place, how true this is I can't tell.



There is a special preparation made even before the baby comes into the world, such preparation includes buying facial powder.

This is one good indication of how well we welcome babies in our culture. After the birth of the baby, baby powder is provided for everyone who comes into the house to greet the baby. The essence of the powder is to beautify the face showing the world that a beautiful thing has happened in the family.

There is also provision for sachets of salt for everyone who comes into the house to welcome the baby. Each individual that visit is being given a sachet as salt is used the indicates an additional taste to the name of the family. It means the family's name will be known all over the world for the taste the baby will add to that name.

How name is being selected

There are no specific means of selecting a name for the baby. But a room is being given to the following people to give the name they feel will be a blessing to the newborn baby.
The father
The mother
The grandfather and Grandmother (maternal)

The Grandfather and Grandmother (maternal)

This means the child is likely to bear 6 names that if all these people decide to give their names individually.

After all, these are done another preparation will be made.
On the seventh day, the child will be named with all the names provided by the people mentioned above and that's the final celebration done in regards to the coming of that baby into the world.

That's the day the goat bought will be killed to serve as meat and also varieties of food will be prepared for people who will come to join in the celebration of the naming.

The child is prayed for by elders in the family and then handed over to the parent for pronunciation of blessing over the life of the baby.

This is the little I can relate to as concerned with the welcoming of newborn babies in my culture.

As most that I have seen is the one done in the Western way.

And all can relate to that.

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