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The Tight Constraint of Money + Rune of the Day


Today's Rune was really tough to work with. I had written the following text last night in preparation for my first Biodanza session in over a year. I was really excited about it, but I couldn't get a proper sleep and woke up later than I should've if I wanted to attend (it's in a part of town that's a bit complicated to access without a car.) I had to cancel and, when I pulled the Rune, I began to understand why. It took me about two hours to just write that message.

A story to rule them all

Yesterday I talked about an experience I had this weekend involving some dense energies and a visit to my cousins' house. I said that my youngest cousin had shown some mistrust about my motives when I offered to give him the cannabis I'd bought, but perhaps I should explain a bit further: I don't think he mistrusted him per se, only the reasons why I was doing that. You see, money's very, very important to him and he's always thinking about it. Hardly surprising, this is a generality around the globe, money's the most Cross Culture thing in existence. But what is money, exactly?

Money's just a story, the greatest ever created because everyone believes it. No matter where you're from, your language, upbringing or beliefs, you and everyone else you meet understand, use and think of money daily. You can literally go anywhere in the world and pay for anything with US dollars, even if it's not the legal tender. This is the central pillar around which governments and financial systems are organized, and it's been very effective for millennia, but also very restrictive. My entire work revolves around studying stories, and if ever there was a story worth studying and dissecting, it's this one.

Back in 2019 I left my last paying job and vowed to never be an employee again, and to keep well away from people who use other people's time as their own. A few months later, as part of a much larger work to dismantle the narrative codes of my identity, I expanded that and decreed an end to my need for money. As a consequence, I spent most of 2020 without money, which made me rearrange my priorities and understand how to use this most influential tale to my benefit. As of right now, I've achieved my purpose: I no longer feel any anxiety about money. I'm no billionaire, but what I have, I can make use of effectively, promptly and on things that I consider truly important, in great part because, although I have support my eldest sister, I don't have charges of people who depend on me for their sustenance. In this regard, I have both Venezuela and cryptos to thank, the former because the bolivar, the national currency, has reached such levels of depreciation that it's completely shattered the way we all perceive value; the latter because their very existence deconstructs the concept of material wealth as we've known it for ages.

To be sure, I still use money and will do so until I die, like every other person who doesn't live in a secluded mountain, jungle or island, away from the larger society. However, I see it now for what it is, energy patterned in a specific manner and just as susceptible to focus and intention as any other form of vibration in this Universe. I work on my practices and services, I offer them freely to whomever requires them and I get what I deserve all the same, without having to deal constantly with bank accounts, fees, sales, marketing or any of that stuff. When I need the financial flow to do something, I concentrate and trust. I also give generously when I can.

I know this all would sound idyllic to most people, so I don't discuss it regularly. Money's a very sensitive issue, directly tied to academic accomplishment and professional performance. Entire societies are built around the premise that degrees, a nice job title and a fat account are equal to status and personal worth, and that's a very difficult trap to slip out of and disassemble. Well, I don't have a degree or a position in any corporation, my Hive account is the most valuable asset I've ever held and I'm concerned solely with my Purpose and Service. I'm free to do as I wish and my abundance just keeps on growing. I can tell you, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that living in this world without the constraint of money is not only possible, but quite easy and beautiful.

Rune of the Day: Isa

Rule of Law, accountability. Following the norms is not the same as following your principles; not everything lawful is correct. Free yourself from conventions that cause you doubt and anxiety, listen to your instincts, do not respond intimidation attempts. Your main responsibility is toward yourself, do not overexplain, but keep quiet to pay attention to counsel; the information you receive must be audited. Verify, compare, do not take anything for granted. Accept and humbly thank for the restrictions of your Service, fulfill your duty without complaint or judgment, each entity in the Universe has its place. You have a great boundary to break within you, study yourself, grant yourself the authority to advance. Confront your fears and witness the fall of all tyrannies. Those who master themselves cannot be mastered by others.