Body Shaming! #nestle #pakistan

Credits: This picture was captured by me last night on 20 feb 2022.

Context: The blog focused on the packaging of a slimmer bottle of nestle labelling it as fit.

What is body Shaming exactly?


Body Shaming is not just a act of criticism about someone is fat or slim. Body Shaming can be explained as the practice of criticism based on looks(shape, colour, hair, eyes, burned body part, etc), verbal style(the way they talk), based on race and culture also. The definition of body Shaming can be expanded in many ways but the basic idea remains "the practice of criticism based on something that is out of control or a personal choice".

Is Fitness Related to being fat or slim?


As you can see in the above picture Nestle packaged a slim(a cheaper priced competitively) bottle and Calling is fit. What is fitness? Is it following the current trend of Instagram #slimtrim? Fitness in every era and region is different. Will you believe, if I tell u that being over weighted that you can't carry your own body easily can be considered as unhealthy and may lead to other disease but it doesn't guarantee that every fat person on the planet is unfit. There is no direct connection between the slimness and fitness.

Is the concept of ideal body shape even needed?


If u look into historical pictures you will see being a "perfect women's figure" have nothing to do with any ideal shape of body. Body Shaming is a big problem for women then men specifically in Pakistan! This all started after expanding more rapidly after Hollywood(ideal body), Bollywood(ideal body) and awards like miss world were introduced. Imagine if you feed someone's mind with only a specific type or shape in media and portrait is as beautiful, it will end up being a racist approach. Through the brainwashing of media we have clearly seen how a big company like "fair and lovely" literally named there brand based on a body Shaming and racist statement that says being fair is being beautiful. When the world unites against them, they had to rebrand them self as "glow and lovely". There advertisement in Asia specially in India and Pakistan were racist. This act is damaging to the whole world in body Shaming context. We can't stop body Shaming unless we stop it on mass communication sources like media. It is important to understand that each type(everyone but used "type" as humans now categorised them self as types) of human being is beautiful.

The Connection between Gym's, Fitness and being real men?


Gyms got more attention of men in Pakistan then the women. Younger generation at large thinks, the only way to being fit is becoming a #fitnessfreak and that's what a being a "real man(reference to muscular being more manly)" is all about. Is it ethical to relate only gyms to fitness or are there other ways to being fit? Do all men have time to go to gym everyday? To answer these we might have to look back into the old fashioned ways. Gyms are still considered as something to study more on. There are pros and cons to excercise in gym. You can be physically fit by walking, doing regular work, avoiding smoking(you can be healthy if you counter the effect by other means) and bad habits also. There is no reason to being overly obsessed about anything in particular in life(My focus is, Gym is not the only way to get a label of being fit).

Can all human beings handle Body Shaming Criticism?


The simple answer is "NO". There are people in this world to whom you can't just say that "Be a man, criticism make you stronger". Relating criticism to character development is also wrong because it can back fire and break you emotionally instead. There are people in this world that do suicides because the Media like this Nestle picture I showed above, force them to think about there self as something that is being rejected in this world. I don't think there is a reason to ignore the bottle I saw on my dinner table last night. Even if I can handle the idea that in this era #slimtrim is considered fit will not satisfy me that it don't hurt someone else feelings seeing it. The little details are important sometimes otherwise it might end up as "fair and lovely" case.

Do I hate Nestle as a brand or want to short it's stock price?


I still remember when Nestle started replacing plastic straws with paper straws on juice boxes, I praised them on hive too although they still mix with the favour of drink and bad in quality. A Bamboo stick type straw or a edible one would be a better option. But still I was happy because atleast something was done. I also admired how nestle saved alot of water waste by evolution in technology of irrigation system in Pakistan. There are alot of reasons to like Nestle actually but this act of Body Shaming should be in notice of company itself because the general public rejects any type of branding that is even slightly considered as a part of Body Shaming culture of modern media. I hold no stocks of Nestle nor I have any affiliation with any investor of Nestle and I am not planning to buying Nestle stocks in future too. In fact, I considered the world a better place when water was not polluted and these bottle waters were not common. I, on personal level thinks that there is a connection between water pollution and water bottle selling companies (but these are just my ideas and there is not reason for you to believe them as they are based on my personal judgement). I also respect water bottle companies to supply water where clean water is unavailable or even water is not available at all in some cases.

What I am going to do about it?


I have shared my voice on HIVE, I will do efforts for my voice to reach out to more people and the Nestle company(if possible). I request you all, if you find this article worth attention of other people in the world then help me reach my voice to as many people as possible by reblog it. Every small step counts. Please leave your thoughtful comments, I am waiting to read what you guys think about Body Shaming.

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