
Hello friends, happy to be in a place like this. I was attracted to join the contest for the month when I saw the post made by @starstrings01. Some of the things I read from his post is actually an eye opener for me to what globalization means. No knowledge is waste they say. The world is said to be a global village. It means that we can access the world just sitting in our comfort zones and do what we want to do.

Looking at the title - globalization. I decided to look at its bad and good side. Of course anything that has its benefits or advantages must also have it's own disadvantages too. And looking at that direction we are looking at globalization from the two sides.

Taking a look at the meaning of globalization from oxford dictionary, it is said to be the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.


✍️ Developing international influence: This is one of the biggest benefits of globalization. It has given give opportunity for counties to influential. Countries are now known.

✍️ Innovation: This is another great aspect of globalization. the introduction of something new. Every day we learn about new things coming up and it has really brought relief to the world.

✍️ Reduction in the cost of production: because we have the whole world at the rip of our hands, we can easily access things, make comparison, get the grade that we want at a better price. But before now, once you go to the market, you will buy anything you see at any cost because you don't know what is been sold in other markets.

✍️ The standard of living is high now curtsey of globalization. One can easily make purchase online and get exactly the quality than he desires. We now have access to the world in our hands. We can travel to all the market in the world right inside our sitting room and make purchase of what we want.

✍️ Globalization has also brought rapid changes to humanity. People now move from place to place and this has made the standard of living better for them.

✍️. Learning about other cultures: with globalization, we have come to know and even to an extent embrace other cultures. For me personally, I love this aspect so much as a language student. I come to appreciate and embrace other cultures as a result of globalization.

One of the major disadvantage is the case of violence that is in the increase. We have witnessed it in several ways. This was not like this before now. But with globalization is has increased.

Scammers are also on the increase. With all the online buying and selling, we have a lot of people taking advantages of that to Scam the innocent people.

I just want to talk about just two. We will not dwell much on the disadvantages because we have lots to gain from Globalization. So for me, dwelling in bad aspect of it will do me no good. We just need to be careful

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This is from @adaezeinchrist.

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