Impact of Globalization on my Hometown.



Hello guys!
Hope everyone is doing good. It feels a little bit fulfilling knowing what I am about to talk about today. Before I begin, I'm sending a big hello to all those who interact more to make this community as it is now. When I came across this contest, I felt a rush just thinking about what to say, because finally a contest where we can rant about serious issues. The topic is "The Impact of Globalization: How Has It Affected Your Hometown or Country?". This topic per se warrants a very broad discussion but first, let's talk about what is GLOBALIZATION


Globalization generally refers to how technology has made the world into one big synergy where every individual is connected to the other. This has had a very profound impact on every part of the world including my hometown and or country. In a nutshell, globalization is the connecting of people, nations, economies, cultures, etc around the world. This process of interconnectedness has been driven by a number of factors, some of which includes technological advancements, transportation advancements, communications advancements, and many other advancements that leads to connecting people or processes, or business.



One significant impact or effect of globalization has been its impact on cultural exchange and diversity. Due to globalization, the western lifestyle and popular culture have spread wide and far. This has created a lot of mixed opinions with some people seeing this to have a positive impact on them whilst others see it to have a negative impact. Those who believe it to be a positive thing argue that the western culture has created opportunities for cross-cultural understanding and communication whilst those who believe it to be a negative thing also argue that the western culture is leading the people of the community to lose their way of life in adapting the western lifestyle. A pure example will be of my hometown, which I used to enjoy as a kid, we used to use donkeys for transport and watch one television in the whole village, but now due to globalization, people of the village now resort to riding and driving motorcycles and also sitting at home in our comfort zones watching television. These are all outgrown due to how the world is evolving.


Another main impact globalization has created is that it has contributed to economic growth and development. Just like the other impact points, there are arguments on this impact factor too. Some argue that it has improved investing industries like technology, tourism, and manufacturing on one hand. And on another hand, some argue that challenges like job displacement, inequality, etc are faced as a result of globalization.

In summary, Globalization can have a great positive impact on the lives of people who are willing to observe open up and embrace the everchanging world we live in. Globalization can be a good thing when we learn to appreciate and inculcate most of the new things in our lives.

Thank you for reading : ).

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