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[Share n burn] Today's coronavirus (COVID-19) links - March 18, 2020

In no particular order, here are today's links from my RSS feed. Please consider clicking through to upvote any Steem post(s) on the list.


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As mentioned in previous posts, here is a visualization tool for mapping the cases of COVID-19 occurrences. According to the site, this morning's worldwide number of reported cases was 201,634 with 82,071 recoveries, 8,007 deaths, and 6,496 cases in the US. Of the US cases, there are 17 reported recoveries, 114 deaths, and 115 cases are reported in my own state, Pennsylvania.

  1. Elmwood (Park Zoo) Launches Live Animal Streams During Coronavirus Closure

  2. Has Cornavirus Been Here… Since Last Year!?

  3. This one chart shows the American industries most likely to be hit hardest by the coronavirus crisis, from airlines to video games

  4. Destroyed Habitat Creates the Perfect Conditions for Coronavirus to Emerge

  5. How COVID-19 may be the needle that completely pops the higher education bubble

  6. A bloody battle or a long war? The ethical dilemma of tackling coronavirus

  7. Coronavirus: Cleaning your phone and keyboard? Here are seven more things you should be disinfecting

  8. Uber has been accused of making it impossible for drivers to claim sick pay during coronavirus quarantine

  9. Gear and Tips to Help You Get Through the Coronavirus Pandemic

  10. Was your Facebook post on the coronavirus deleted? This is why - Subtitle: Anti-spam issues prompted accusations of censorship.

  11. Coronavirus forces tech investors and startups to ditch the all-important pitch meeting

  12. InterPlanetary File System Is Uncensorable During Coronavirus News Fog

  13. Steem @kralizec: Breathing Mask That Kills The Coronavirus

  14. Pervasive digital surveillance of citizens deployed in COVID-19 fight, with rules that send genie back to bottle

  15. Inside the model that may be making US, UK rethink coronavirus control

  16. 'A Coronavirus Winter': Michael T. Osterholm on the Road Ahead

  17. 'This is the first time NASA has been in this situation': NASA is forcing nearly all 17,000 of its staff to work from home after coronavirus cases appear at 2 space centers

  18. Facebook Acknowledges an Anti-Spam Bug Is Blocking Coronavirus News

  19. Theranos vampire lives on: Owner of failed blood-testing biz's patents sues maker of actual COVID-19-testing kit

  20. What is herd immunity and can it stop the coronavirus?

  21. Amazon hiring 100,000 warehouse workers amid coronavirus boom

  22. The IRS is postponing tax payment deadlines during the coronavirus outbreak — what that means for your taxes

  23. Is the Split Over Covid-19 Really About Politics? - Subtitle: To Democrats, it’s a crisis. To Republicans, it’s no big deal. Trump may not be the only reason why.

  24. At an Amazon facility in Italy, 30% of workers have reportedly stopped showing up due to fears of the coronavirus

  25. Steem @rt-international: Dead Schengen? | France coronavirus lockdown, toughest in EU

  26. Flattening the COVID-19 Curves - Subtitle: Social distancing imposes hardships, but it can save many millions of lives

  27. Google Cloud is indefinitely postponing the digital version of its cancelled conference as coronavirus continues to spread

  28. Microsoft is closing its retail stores around the world indefinitely because of the coronavirus crisis

  29. Biotech Companies Tap AI to Speed Path to Coronavirus Treatments

  30. Apple's retail stores are closed until further notice as the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread

  31. Ford is shutting down factories in Europe amid worsening coronavirus outbreak

  32. Steem @rt-international: Covid-19 pandemic could continue for 2 YEARS, German health expert warns

  33. How open-source software is tackling COVID-19 coronavirus

  34. Humanity Is Rising to the Challenge of the Coronavirus - Subtitle: Human beings have an incredible capacity for voluntary cooperation, particularly in times of adversity.

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