All In Crypto! .:. My T-shirt Collection is the Proof!

Certain people from HIVE put a "slight pressure" on me to create this collection, so here we are... 😃 This is my first contribution to the #HiveCollectors community... As any other OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder) person, I do create "order" and "collection" of everything, but they are more like a collection of ideas, a collection of problems, issues, draft posts, etc. 😃 But, let's try to stick to the topic in this one, where I will show you my small collection of t-shirts in specific "niche"... Guess which one! 😃


This is the t-shirt that you probably saw many times on HIVE as many people were wearing it at different Hive meetups all around the world... I got this one at the last meetup that I attended in Hamburg #BuzzParty2024 in April! Believe it or not, this is my first and the only HIVE-related t-shirt! I got a Liketu t-shirt in Amsterdam #HiveFest in 2022, but as I don't fit in it (too many cookies 😂), my son is wearing it... And it is his favorite!


I'm not sure how many objects I have to have to call it a collection, but I was "growing" this one for the last 7-8 years... 😃 It's not a big one, but knowing how media was/is against crypto, it wasn't an easy job to collect these t-shirts...


This one is my oldest, and probably because of that, the dearest crypto T-shirt of all! I got it as a present for attending my first-ever event about blockchain and crypto! It was in May 2018, and I learned a lot about cryptography, blockchain tech, Bitcoin, IOT, and many other things...

My member panel - Screenshot from ticket

After that event, I attended 3-4 more before the C-19 era, when everything stopped and moved online... But, that's not the "real thing" so, I didn't attend online events, except virtual HiveFests during those years... When we became free again, I attended many Hive meetups, some bigger, some smaller... Speaking of which, #HiveFest is coming in September... Are you going?


The next two t-shirts were my first Amazon crypto-related purchases (if I don't count dozens of GPUs that I bought from there for crypto mining 😂)... I was avoiding buying clothes from Amazon as I was afraid that I would buy something too big, or too small... Well, these two T-shirts are a bit too big for me... Yes, I'm trying hard to fit into them, and eventually, I will probably... 🍩🍴😂


Despite looking like I'm wearing a women's dress, I do like the second one more than the Bitcoin shirt for one reason... I don't like to look like a Bitcoin maxi... Crypto is more than just Bitcoin and people will realize that sooner or later... Until then, accumulate! 🙂

As it shows the Illuminati eye, it does attract many looks, which is great as people ask questions, and I like to talk about crypto... lol... Educating curious people on the go!


The next two t-shirts (orange BTC and the fishing BTC Moon) are my last purchases from Amazon... HIVE merch wasn't available there, and there were no "crypto in general" shirts that I liked, so I went with these two... Again, I have my favorite between these two, but only for one reason, comfort... The orange T-shirt is from simple material and is much more suitable for the weather in Spain...


But, I do like the design of the fishing the BTC Moon t-shirt... I sweat more in this one, so avoid wearing it during the sunny days (almost every day here... lol), but I use it as many as possible evenings/nights! No sun, no problems... 😃


The last one isn't a crypto t-shirt, but when I saw it in the store, I didn't hesitate at all to buy it... During my life, I was always doing more than 1 job at a time (usually 2-3), and I had always problems explaining what am I doing for a living... Switching to 100% crypto, that's even harder today... lol... That's why I bought this one, as it explains perfectly that even I have no idea what I'm doing... 😂

The story of collecting crypto t-shirts isn't over and I hope I will expand my collection in the future!!

Thank you for your time.


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