Mugs - let's see them!

The new calendar year can bring new energy, new starts, decisions and goals for many people. Although I didn't make any New Year's resolutions, I am aware of things I should work on. Physical and mental health go hand in hand, taking care of ourselves and our loved ones is important. In our work, we can get new elan and have more plans, develop strategies on how to achieve our goals.

This little community, Hive Collectors, can also bring new initiatives. December was nice with the Christmas card collections and Christmas decorations, thank you to all who participated and also a thank you goes to those who will participate in any of the next topics.

So, for January I thought about getting warm with a cup of tea or hot chocolate from my favourite mug. But, there are several of those I like. There is a small collection actually.

They are coming today to Hive, with the background story of a few of them and with an open invitation to all of you who would like to show your favourite mugs.

First of all, here is this little section of mugs that have one thing in common - music!


Menuetto mug, with a signature of Mozart was brought to me from Salzburg, by a little student, Thomas when he travelled there with his parents. I keep that mug in its wrapping, to protect it from any damage.

The mug next to it, with the portrait and signature of another great master in music, J.S. Bach was a gift from Sofia, a student I used to teach many years ago. 17 years ago, I remember, as my son was a newborn. Later, she went to study in Budapest, to play the organ.

I love the lid of this cup with piano keys. The piano keys are represented as a swirl and disappear at one point. It was also a gift, from Kathrine, a girl who was coming to piano lessons at my home before she learned Spanish and could enrol the music school. Obviously, my students like these mugs with musical details.



Our son was thinking about his parents - us, when he bought these two mugs. Eres el mejor padre, y lo sabes (You are the best father, and you know it) was a gift to my husband, a few years ago on Father's Day, and I 💗 MAMA is the most recent gift I got from my son. I got it for Christmas.



These two mugs were given to me by my friends I had in the city of Novi Sad. I lived there for eight years and during that time I made some friendships that were not easy to leave behind. We had a little farewell party, and among other stuff, I got these two mugs. People can move, words can be erased, and items can break (the mugs are well-kept and not used for everyday coffee) but memories stay.



This is the Christmas mug you have already seen in this post, a gift from a student of mine, Alex. You saw there the other side, with the reindeer, so now the Santa is winking here.



This tiny section of mugs belongs to my son. He got them from his friends and one is from his girlfriend. You can easily guess which one.



What about you? Do you have your favourite mug, with some interesting design or message they say, or which were gifts from some people you want to remember? If you like, you can share your collection of mugs, at any time.

I thought this could be a topic for January in the Hive Collectors community, as inspiration or a little initiative for this cold month, where we can all enjoy a hot drink from our favourite mug.



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