Mugs and More Mugs

Hello friends and Hivers. I hope you all had a great weekend. I'm here today to show you some of my mugs. It is after all the theme for January in the Hive Collectors Community.


Here's some souvenir travel mugs. Theses three mugs were bought on a trip to Las Vegas back in 2002. Two were purchased at the Rain Forest Cafe where I ate at. The other I got from the hotel I stayed at,The Riviera.


Next up is some artwork my son did when he was in 4th grade. It was from an art and music class he attended at school. They had an order sheet where you could get the art images on numerous things. We got some mugs, key chains and t-shirts. At the time a drank a few cups of coffee out of it. When I see it now I realize he has grown and changed so much.


Nothing really special here but these are mugs from past dinnerware sets. The plates, bowls, and other things are long gone but the mugs remain. I find it really difficult to throw mugs away. These ones do make good for family and friends that visit.




Some mugs talk about what they should be used for. I can't disagree with them because they do often contain the liquids only for the Gods! Only those who drink coffee and love it know this, haha. Now some mugs hints to its owner's vices. Maybe they don't like to be handled so much.



Here's a mug that I got on Father's Day a few years ago. This mug I drink from every father's day. It's nice to get a gift from your kid showing appreciation to you.



Again we have the mugs speaking to us. This time one gives us advice while the other gives us hope. I really like the yesterday, tomorrow and today mug. It's good to not live too much in the past. I think one has to be ready for tomorrow and make the best of what you can do today. Do you ever find yourself reading other people's mugs? I'll admit it I often do this but fortunately it's usually from people I know.



Sports fans often have their favorite teams on there mugs. I have one at home and another at work. The mug at home has only been used a few times. I use it primarily for hot chocolate. The one at work I got as a gift for my going away luncheon when I honorably separated from the military in 2001. It has always been a desk decoration to hold pencils, pens,and markers.


This Star Wars mug was something I got for Christmas a few years ago. It came in a package with an assortment of different chocolates varieties. I actually have a few more of these mugs that came in similar gift sets. They are packed away in a box that never got emptied when I moved to my current home.


Speaking of Christmas, here I have this cool looking snowman mug. I have drank out of it before for the holidays. It's been quite awhile and that is because it had got buried in the cabinets and forgotten about.



I call these mugs the go happy ones 😊 There's the simple gestures of Have a good day and the single word smile.Then there's the hand painted mug with a simple sun drawn. They just pop out saying start your day well. You think the subject matter on mugs affects are moods?


Alright the first mug that isn't meant to hold hot stuff in it. I picked this up in San Antonio, Texas in 2009 at Sea World. Now many of you know I don't engage in Alcohol much at all. I have a set of these and I use them when I feel the itch for a root beer float. When that happens they sit in the freezer to get nice and frosty. Than the ice cream and root beer become one in the mug. I won't blabber too much more on that just know you will see it at some point.



There may be many like it but this one is mine. Last but not least the most important mug to me. This has been my primary mug for my coffee addiction for more than 20 years. I got this mug I think in 2001 maybe sooner. Like the one above this was also picked up in San Antonio, Texas. I show you two pictures of it mainly to show you the love I mean wear on it.

The arm to the mug should say San Antonio on it. Now it's barely shows the first two letters. I like the subject matter on it and of course it's size. I could go through a pot of coffee (12 cups) in probably 4 cups. Usually I do one or two mugs of coffee each morning. This mug will get use until it can't anymore. What do I do if it breaks? I haven't thought about it but I got plenty of other mugs to take it place.

Well I have come to an end and it's not because I ran out of mugs to share. There are more mugs in my camping gear and boxes in storage. I also have one heirloom mug. The heirloom mug was my great grandfather's mug. It is not a coffee mug nor any other mug you might be thinking of. It's a shaving mug that he was given when he was 16. It's very old as he was 16 in 1898. I wish I could of shared it today but I couldn't find it.

This mug adventure has been fun. It allowed me to realize just how many I have and ones I totally forgot about. It brought on some memories of the past gathering these mugs. Now am I a hoarder or a collector of mugs?

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