CurationNation Instructions November, 2023

CurationNation : how to join and earn delegations


Instructions November, 2023

  • In order to start using Hive the way it was meant to be used, as a social media platform rewarding engagement and content creation, you should Comment, Upvote, Twitter Engage, then Earn.
  • Specific steps to follow to earn upvotes and delegations from CurationNation are the following steps:

First: Join the community called CurationNation on Hive by clicking this link and selecting join LINK: /trending/hive-180571

Second: Follow @shortsegments on Twitter:

Third: Follow @shortsegments on Hive

Fourth: Engage with content in the CurationNation Community page and tag your content with #curationnation tag to earn Hive and Leo three ways:
  • Content curation: everyone on Hive earns curation rewards for upvoting posts
  • Comment author rewards : many people upvote comments, and engagement in a community increases the chance or probability of comment awards.
  • Comment curation rewards, when you upvote comments you create an additional source of curation rewards.

Background Information Curation Nation


  • The goal of the CurationNation is to help you reach personal and financial success using Hive according to the rules of the Hive Community.
  • I believe you provide value to Hive by being a Content Creator, but also by being a Content Curator, which is someone who upvotes and coments on content or posts.
  • I believe Hive is built to reward both through the 50/50 split of all post rewards between Authors Rewards and Curator Rewards.
  • Author Rewards go to Content Creators and Curators Rewards going to Content Curators, who upvote Content.
  • I believe this 50/50 split means the creators of Hive believed that content creation is highly valued on Hive, but that engagement with content creators is highly valued also.
  • I believe the post rewards are very valuable to content creators, but the comments left by content curators are also very valuable.
  • As an author I love upvotes, but the comments let me know that I am being heard, my words matter and they provide the social engagement which brings most of us to Social Media.
  • I created the CurationNation Community as am embodiment or manefestation of that idea.

The acronym C.U.T.E. is a quick and hopefully memmorable way of helping you stay focused on what you should do to be successful.

CUTE stands for:

  • Comments
  • Upvotes
  • Twitter
  • Earnings


  • You need to leave comments consistent on the posts of content creators yoou want in your network.
  • These should be people whose content you enjoy and you will enjoy engaging with on the platform.
  • This is a core principle of the Curation Nation, because social media is about being social and engaging. It also recognizes that building up a following as a content curator takes time, but becoming a successful curator is faster.
  • It is also a core principle of Curation Nation because we want to get paid, and we want to earn based on our investment, not other unreliable sources of income, and we don't want to do self voting or any scams.
  • We want to be good citizens of HIve and we want to build our network, while we help others build theirs.
  • That is called a WIN-WIN, you WIN and the people in your network WIN.


  • You should leave upvotes, 100% if you read only 10 articles a day, and understand you get paid, one half your vote, so Power up Hive and Leo. This is basically your guaranteed income from Hive and Leo.
  • Anything you get from upvotes on Comments or Content is a bonus.
  • This is also a Core Principle of Curation Nation, we build our stack, so we build up the value of our vote, we distribute the votes by upvoting others, but it comes back to us through Curation Rewards, approximately one half the value of your vote on Leo, and any rewards you get from Fellow Content Creators upvoting your comments or your content. But to the Curation Nation that is unreliable income, Our reliable income from Upvotes is a Core Principle of the Curation Nation. It's reliable because we know the minimum earned from every upvote.
  • Plus we know that by commenting consistently, we earn consistent upvotes on our comments, which is another source of income.
  • Plus to reward engagement within our community, CurationNation has moderators to reward posts and comments, which can further increase your earnings. It's not guaranteed, and based on the value of your comments. Your posts and comments represent you, so make them good.


  • Our Community needs to grow, and the biggest pool of potential members is off Hive and on Twitter.
  • So a Core Principle of Curation Nation is to follow me on Twitter and interact with my posts there.
  • So a Core Principle of Curation Nation is being a Twitter Member, following @shortsegments and interacting with @shortsegments Tweets, one per day, maybe, so we build a presence and recruit Twitter people to HIve, but insistn they stay active on Twitter.
  • Another core principle of the CurationNation is collaboration. We view Twitter as a collaborative partner. We benefit from our association by building our network there and here. Twitter wins and we win.


  • I am not ashamed to say a core principle of Curation Nation is Earnings from Curation.
  • I believe in Capitalism as an economic model, and I believe your time is valuable.
  • Thats why I upvote comments and encourage you to comment and upvote people, because it builds your network and increases your earnings.
  • When you join the Curation Nation you become eligible for a delegation of Leo or Hive, or possibly both, from my account. You have to earn it by completing all the steps and being a consistent performer of the CUTE principles.

Comment, Upvote, Twitter, Earn
  • This is one way of succeeding in a rewards based, tokenized, social media platform, which rewards both content producers or authors and content consumers or curators.
  • It also creates a collaborative relationship with Twitter, not a competition with Twitter. Your Twitter Account becomes another tool of engagement, which helps build your network, on and off Hive, while creating a pathway for people to go from Twitter to Hive and Hive to Twitter.
  • Collaboration not Competition, is one of the core principles of the Hive economy, the Authors and Curators support each other, to benefit both.
  • Find collaboration, or Win-Win solutions and the world will join you.


More Information about @shortsegments, CurationNation and INLEO

About the author @shortsegments


  • @shortsegments is a writer focused on cryptocurrency, the blockchain, non-fungible digital tokens or NFTs, Stablecoins, Digital dollars, Bitcoin, Etheteum, and decentralized finance for over five years.
  • Please follow @shortsegments on Twitter LINK
  • @shortsegments has been a part of the INLEO Social Media Community for over five years.



  • INLEO is a social media community on the Hive Blockchain Sidechain, Hive-Engine.
  • INLEO is a Tokenized Social Media Platform, which means you post content, upvote content and comment on content to earn or get paid in cryptocurrency tokens called Hive and Leo. You can then sell these tokens for your countries currency, US Dollars or other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum or Stablecoins like USDT, USDC

How to earn cryptocurrency on INLEO


  • You can earn cryptocurrency by writing long articles, short articles, posting videos, pictures, memes or other content. INLEO just created a project they were working on for two years called Threads a tokenized short post platform of 240 characters or less. Click my free referral link to sign-up in seconds and try the application out.

How to join


  • Join Free with this free referral link: JOIN4FREE


Curation Nation : Learn more and join a group to help you be successful.


  • The Curation Nation, is a group dedicated to the success of old and new community members.
  • The group believes in Win-Win philosophy. We help others because it helps us too, and it’s fun.
  • Here at the Curation Nation We follow a well travelled pathway to success called C.U.T.E..
  • Learn more here: [Curation Nation Link]
  • Join our Community Here LINK
  • Follow @shortsegments on X formerly Twitter

Every journey starts with unknowns.


But you don’t have to run the maze alone


  • The Curation Nation has how to articles, picture presentations, animations and more.

  • Help is only a comment away.

  • We are human, we eat, sleep and work. But we will do our best to help you out.

  • Join our Community Here LINK

  • Follow @shortsegments on X formerly Twitter

We are on X, we collaborate not compete.


INLEO is a Pride or Community of Lions, so is Curation Nation


  • We want to be a part of X and have our members join X, while X members join us.
  • We believe in Collaboration, not Competition.
  • We work hard and work Smart, so you can efficiently and enjoyably build your network while earning.
  • Delegations are just an added incentive, the real reward is building a network, which translates into your Brand, Reputation and consistent earnings.
  • Please take these steps:
  • Join our Community Here LINK
  • Follow @shortsegments on X formerly Twitter
  • Use this tag #curationnation on your articles
  • Comment and upvote articles in our community.
  • Follow the C.U.T.E. strategy: Comment, Upvote, Tweet, Earn learn more about C.U.T.E. at this Link

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