🌼Sour Vegetable Green Eggplant🌼

Green eggplants are very rarely sold in my village area, usually purple eggplants which are always a daily food menu, for rural residents, the taste is also a bit different, but green eggplants are very tasty when cooked with sour vegetables, however processed green eggplants are delicious with the spices attached to the eggplant.

My mother-in-law really likes this green eggplant, I'm confused where to buy it, because the market doesn't sell this green eggplant, then I saw my friend photographing green eggplant on social media, I asked if he was selling it, apparently he didn't sell it because there was only some fruit, then he gave me some green eggplants. This is my mother-in-law's favorite, indeed, after cooking, the taste really blends in with my tongue. My mother-in-law also really likes my cooking.

🌻 Ingredients:

🔹3 round green eggplants.
🔹 lime leaves 4 pieces
🔹 15 pieces of cayenne pepper.
🔹 1 grain of garlic.
🔹1/2 cm turmeric.
🔹1/2 teaspoon coriander.
🔹7 sunti acids.
🔹 mineral water 200 grams.
🔹 salt 1 teaspoon.

🌻How To make:

🍁 clean eggplant skin, also wash thoroughly, cut according to taste.

🍁 chopped bird's eye chilies 5 pieces, as a substitute for chopped green chilies.

🍁 grind the spices.

🍁 put the eggplant in the pan, put it in
salt, stir well.

🍁 add chopped cayenne pepper.

🍁 add the lime leaves and also the spices that have been mashed, mix well.

🍁add mineral water, mix well.

🍁 wait until the eggplant is cooked and the gravy is boiling.

🍁 prepare and serve.

🌹About Me❓

a housewife who has a hobby of cooking, and also has a hobby of composing, in her daily life she always writes, and keeps her work in notebooks, I also have aspirations of becoming a great writer who is successful in publishing her own work, I also want to share what recipes just what many people like, I also always have time to display my own work, I hope all my friends like whatever I display, thank you.

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