Make fried noodles with sticks easily and deliciously and practically at home

noodles are one of the most delicious dishes, especially in my area of ​​aceh now the weather often rains, noodles are very delicious to enjoy when the weather is uncertain like this.

Mie sticks are also liked by many people, these noodles have two flavors when fried, namely spicy and salty.

Mie sticks include snacks that are quite affordable, how can the taste of Mie Sticks be able to make anyone be attracted by its savory and delicious taste, Mie Sticks is one of the noodles made from wheat flour, usually Mie Sticks is also used as a mixture of Pecal And also vegetable lontong.

1 pack of stick noodles.
toge 100 gr.
cabbage 200 gr.
3 red onions.
3 cloves of garlic.
4 red chilies.
8 pieces of curly chili.
10 pieces of cayenne pepper.
2 hazelnuts.
2 tbsp sweet soy sauce.
2 tbsp soy sauce.
3 tablespoons of sauce.
enough onions.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
enough oil for frying.

how to make:

Boil the noodle sticks for
7 minutes, then drain.

chop the cabbage into small pieces according to taste.

Puree spices, such as garlic, onion, candlenut, cayenne pepper, curly chili, and also cayenne pepper.

chopped onions.

heat enough cooking oil.

Enter the onion that has been sliced ​​so that it smells good, after that add the spices that have been crushed, mix well until the tool is fragrant and cooked.

Enter the sprouts and cabbage into the seasoning earlier.

add 100 grams of water so that the seasoning is not too dry.

Add 2 tablespoons of sweet soy sauce. 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of Chilli sauce.
1/2 teaspoon salt.

when the vegetables such as cabbage and bean sprouts are a bit cooked, add the noodles that have been boiled earlier and have been drained as well.

Mix well then add the chopped scallions.

when it is cooked remove and serve.

making stick noodles is very easy, moreover stick noodles are a popular food, making it also doesn't take a long time, I hope my friends at home can try it with success.

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