green bean pudding that is soft and also practical

when the weather is cold or rainy, pudding is a delicious choice especially enjoyed with your beloved family at home, apart from being delicious, of course it is filling, there are many benefits to be gained by consuming green beans, starting from increasing immunity, reducing heart disease, lowering cholesterol, preventing cancer, lowering blood pressure, and many other benefits derived from green beans.

as we know that green beans are a type of legume that is often processed by the community with various kinds of preparations that are delicious and also delicious. such as porridge, green bean juice, and many other preparations that all of us can do to make these green beans a food ingredient that is rich in benefits.

even green beans also have high nutrients that are important for the body, green beans are a very good source of protein which functions to maintain the human body's resistance from all kinds of diseases.


140 grams of green beans (soak for 3/4 hours).

Green bean boiled water

700 milli water to boil green beans.

cup to put the agar in.

450 grams of coconut milk.
150 grams of sugar.
1 pack of agar-agar powder (7 grams).

1/2 teaspoon pandan paste.

2 pandan leaves.

how to make:

wash and soak green beans 3 or 4 hours then drain.

cook the water until it boils, add the green beans for 25 minutes or until they are tender and fall apart after they are tender, remove and drain.

Add agar-agar, sugar, pandan paste, coconut milk and salt, stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

after boiling add green beans.
Add the green bean boiled water, mix well.

remove and let the hot steam disappear.

put it in a pudding cup the size of a 60 ml pudding cup.

let it cool then put it in the fridge.

this is all the delicious pudding recipe that I can share today, I hope all my friends like it, thank you for visiting my post.

I am a housewife who has a hobby of cooking and writing. I always present my work in the form of stories. I also have expertise in writing, I also want to show my best work in this community. Especially cooking, so I will show every one of my dishes in this community, I also really hope for support from all of you.

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