The Brand New PLANT BASED challenge: Spicy tofu soup for the soul

Hello Plant Power Lovers, my post to follow The Brand New PLANT BASED challenge: Soup for the soul, @plantpoweronhive @sirenahippie provides a fun challenge to be creative in processing food ingredients every week. Today I will cook tofu soup with spices that will warm the body when it rains. it rains from morning until noon and only stops late in the afternoon, so I have time to look for soup ingredients in the garden. I want to make a soup with lots of water which tastes fresh but rich in flavour, therefore I will use some spices which will make the soup fresh but rich in taste.


First I will look for wild mushrooms that usually grow on rotting/dead wood or bamboo trees. After 10 minutes of searching I finally found a biting mushroom on a piece of bamboo fence fish pond and I only found a tablespoon of mushrooms, but this seems to be enough for the seasoning soup I will make. I used mushrooms instead of broth. Mushrooms have a soft texture with a slightly fatty and sweet taste, that's why I use mushrooms as a natural flavoring.


next, I will look for wild spinach for juice ingredients.


it seemed like it was going to rain again, I immediately went into the house and prepared the ingredients for the soup. The ingredients that I use consist of two parts, namely the main ingredients and ingredients for seasoning. The main ingredients that I use consist of white tofu and some vegetables.

6 pieces of white tofu
1 carrot
100 grams of beans
100 grams of bean sprouts
3 pieces of very young corn
200 mL of hot water


The ingredients for the seasoning consist of :
4 pieces of garlic
3 red onions
3 candlenuts
1 nutmeg
1 leek
1 soup leaf
3 bay leaves
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon salt
1 pack of pepper powder
1 tablespoon eat wild mushrooms
1500 mL water


Cut the tofu into two parts, then soak the tofu pieces in hot water, the goal is to get rid of the smell of white tofu.




Next, I'm going to cut the beans, I'm also chopping the carrots and baby corn, don't forget to wash the vegetables.



now it's time to make soup😅😅

first I peeled the skin of the garlic and onion.


the second step I broke the skin of the nutmeg.



the third step wash the garlic, onion, candlenut, nutmeg and the wild mushrooms.


the fourth step is to smooth all the spices, I start to grind the onion, garlic, candlenut, nutmeg, wild mushrooms and grind the salt and sugar to blend with the other spices.



the fifth step put water into the pot, boil until the water is hot.


the sixth step put the spices that have been mashed into a pot of hot water, cook until boiling. I add the ground spices after the water is hot so that the aroma of the spices can be felt.


the seventh step after the water and seasonings boil, add the carrot pieces and young corn pieces.


the eighth step while waiting for the carrots to float, I cut the leeks and soup leaves.


the ninth step after the carrots float is a sign that the carrots are getting soft, then I add the beans


the tenth step I added chopped spring onions, soup leaves and bay leaf to the pot.


the eleventh step add pepper powder to taste.


the twelfth step wash the bean sprouts with running water, then arrange them in a bowl, I don't cook the bean sprouts to keep the bean sprouts fresh when eaten.



the thirteenth step arrange the tofu that we have soaked in hot water, place it on the bean sprouts.


the last step turn off the stove then take the boiling soup, put it in a bowl containing bean sprouts and tofu.



The aroma of nutmeg is felt when the soup gravy blends in the bowl. You can add fried onions and chili powder for a stronger taste, but since today I wanted to enjoy a warm bowl of soup without any oil in my soup bowl, I didn't add fried onions.

although the rain has just stopped but the weather is a little hot, so I will make a fresh drink, I will make cucumber juice and wild spinach leaves that I just picked this afternoon. wash the cucumber, cut it to make it easier to blend, then put the cucumber slices into the blender



then add the spinach leaves, add 500 mL water and blend until all the ingredients are smooth.



after all the ingredients become smooth then I filter it, I separate the foam contained in the juice, the bad taste of the foam can affect the fresh cucumber juice race.



now we can enjoy a bowl of warm soup with fresh cucumber juice.


all photos are mine which I took with the Realme GT master Limited edition 5G phone camera.

Thank you for taking the time to read my writing. I invite @bayuismail @faisalhanafih to have fun with this challenge.

Best Regards

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