A veggie mixed lentil, healthy side dish for rice lovers

Greetings my dear vegans. Hope the day starts with a productive day for the week ahead..

The excitement of getting some fresh veggies from our own garden cannot be expressed in words. It has to be experienced. Recently, we happen to harvest some fresh snakeguard from our garden. I immediately thought of a side dish for my rice. I would like to share the same with you.


Fresh from my garden

Split chick peas

Soaked Split Chick peas

  • Snakeguard - 2 (main ingredient)
  • Split chick peas - a handul (soaked in water for atleast 4 hrs.)
  • Big Onion chopped into small piece - 1
  • Red pepper - 1
  • Turmeric - 1/4 th tsp

For Coconut Mixture

  • Coconut - one portion of a whole one
  • Cumin seed - 1/2 tsp
  • Garlic - one or two cloves
  • Curry leaf -a handfull

For Splattering

  • Cooking oil - 1 tsp
  • Mustard seed - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as per your taste.
  • Few Curry leaves


STEP - 1

Clean and scrap the outer part of the snakeguard. And remove the seeds from within the snakeguard. Wash them in running water. Cut them into small pieces as shown in the picture and keep aside.

STEP - 2

Take a thick bottled vessel and pour some oil. Add mustard, when it starts
splattering, add the chopped onion, red pepper and curry leaf. Saute for 2 minutes in minimum flame and then,
add the chopped snake guard, turmeric and salt along with split chick peas. Keep it closed in low flame , while sauting gradually after every 2 or 3 minutes until, it becomes tender. In the meantime, get the coconut mixture ready.

STEP - 3

Making of Coconut mixture
Mix the coconut, cumin seed, garlic along with some curry leaves and coarsely grind them.

STEP - 4


Once the veggies becomes tender and ready to eat, add the coconut mixture and saute for another 2 to 3 minutes continuously, until the raw smell of the coocnut is completely gone.

This dish tastes well, when eaten hot with hot rice and curry or with yogurt. The preference is exclusively yours.

The text typed and the captured photos are exclusively my own, from my kitchen. Thank you for your visit and appreciate your comments, if any.

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