Make Mine a NiceCream

Sometimes I'm so bloody organised and a kickass mother that I want to kiss myself on the cheek.

I say this only because I'm not always the model mother - I can be disorganised and I don't bake or fuss in any other way either! But when I get it right, I feel like it's an expression of love.

With three days of really, really hot weather over new years, I knew I had to do at least one thing - fill the ice cube receptacle in the freezer with ice cubes. This was remarkable in itself - when my boy comes to visit he always gives me this LOOK as if I'm an idiot for not being more on the ball with icecubes.

But this time I went one step further - not only did I have icecubes in (a whole TUB full of them, like diamonds!) I made nicecream!

If you haven't eaten nicecream before, all it is is blended frozen fruit which tastes EXACTLY like icecream, but better, as it's not full of sugar. But honestly - trust me here - it's creamy and sweet and delicous.

Now I'm not going to give you exact measurements as it's not a precise art. Grab a few bananas and blend with a splash of vegan milk to begin. I added a little lacuma, which gives a caramelly sweetness. Vanilla would be awesome too. Half fill your container with them - I used a silicon tray but you can use a muffin tin or cupcake paper thingies.


At this point I have to tell you about my new-old blender. I really wanted a great blender that would pulverise nuts - but couldn't afford it. With a price tag of nearly $500 AU there's no way I could buy one. However, the VERY DAY my old blender broke, this Optimum 9400 came up on Facebook Marketplace for $80 bucks. Sure, it's not the latest model, but the motor on these things go forever. I'm so happy with it it's ridiculous.


So the next layer had fresh turmeric, fresh mangoes, some coconut milk powder and a bit of lacuma again. I also made some with banana, cacao and cinnamon. Chocolatey heaven! It was quite bitter so I used some more lacuma to sweeten it up. That formed the second layer. If I had a deeper mould for them, I would have done a triple layered icecream! And of course, lovely calendula blended with the mango layer and sprinkled on the top. I honestly can't add enough lovely calendula. I'm a big believer in adding herbs to almost every dish I make!


The verdict? Winner.

It was quite satisfying after coming back from the beach and temperatures reaching 39 degrees celsius, my boy said: 'Damn, wish we had stopped for an icecream'.

'Never fear!' says I, opening up the freezer and brandishing the tray. 'I made nicecream!'


I got the best mum award for breaking out the coldest, yummiest treat ever. And it was only the first day of the year.

With Love,


The Herbal Hive Community

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