Homemade Potato Chips!

Homemade Potoat chips!!

Yes! Earlier my mother used to make homemade chips, sev-bhujia, tomato ketchup, tamarind chutney in stocks and Papad at home! When we was small kid we used to see and did help to our parents or relatives to make these all items at home. It was really very fun while making these things.
Today I Made Potato Chips and my Daughter help me to arrange beautifully to dry them up.

Making own homemade potato chip are very easy. It may take some time but it will be tasty, crispy and we can make it some spicy and salty..

For best potato chips we need to choose potatoes which has more starch and less water in content. In market we get chips potatoes like Red royal potatoes and Jyoti potatoes which are ideal for chips.

So come lets enjoy to make homemade Potato Chips-

▪︎potatoes- 5
▪︎water- for boiling
▪︎oil- for frying
▪︎red chili powder-½tspn


1.take large potatoes. Make sure to use large size of poataoes so that we can get good big slices of potato chips.

2.then peel them.

3.take chips cutter. I have this type of chips slicer.

4.now slice the potatoes by the help of above slicer. Make thin slices.

5.now put or dip these slices in cold water.

6.further boil water in a wide pan.

7.then add the potatoes slices.

8.now give 5 mins boil till the slice of potates become tender but rember not to over cook them. 5 to 8 mins are enough.

9.then drain all the water into a colander.

10.now spread cotton cloth on the floor and arrange the potato slices like my daughter did for drying them up under the fan. It will take 1 day and 1 night to dry up.
It is a good way to make your child do some work😅 and they will love to do that.

11.when they will dry they will shrink in size like the below pics.

12.when they are dried then put them in the sunligt for 2 to 3 hours.

13.then put them all in air tight jar for 2 to 4 months.

14.now heat oil in a kadhai.

15.fry the potato chips.

16.now add some salt, red chili powder and toss it nicely.


I hopebyou will try this recipe at home and let me know how it was.

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