MEATLESS MONDAY: Dulce de ajonjolí, Curry with cashews, Jongkong, Fried Sweet Potatoes, Instant coffee pudding


The Meatless Monday curation aims to value the commitment of users within our community and the HIVE ecosystem, through the curation of posts with good content related to vegan food. Our intention is to help these authors feel valued and recognize authentic and original work, done with love and dedication. That said, let's get started with this beautiful compilation.


Happy Monday dear friends of the Plant Power Vegan community, here @sirenahippie. Today we return with a new edition of our traditional curatorship: MEATLESS MONDAY.


Although it is true, almost all the recipes were very good; today, like every Monday, we have chosen six of them, which we consider worthy of mention and recognition; however, in our community's other vegan content curation, VEGAN LOVE TO US, THE BEST OF THE WEEK and THE BEST VEGAN LION, we'll highlight other great 100% vegan recipes.

We begin our weekly gastronomic journey with a very energetic dessert: A Dulce de sesame that is finger-licking good. Then we will try a very interesting dish, a Curry with cashews, which has a very unique flavor. Then we will eat a very traditional Indonesian dessert, Jongkong. Next we will eat a very spicy super snack, some Fried Sweet Potatoes, accompanied by a refreshing dessert: Instant coffee pudding. Let's travel the world with this delicious vegan gastronomic route!


There are sweets that are delicious and nutritious at the same time, and @yole shared this recipe with us this week in the community: A sesame sweet, which is delicious. She shares this great snack with us in a post with a good step by step. Let's see this sweet recipe!

Dulce de ajonjolí | @yole


There are very unique recipes, like the one @hive.samadi shared with us this week in the community: A very delicious and spicy cashew curry, which she teaches us to prepare step by step. Let's see this interesting recipe!

Let's prepare a nutritious and delicious curry with cashews | @hive.samadi


Currently the Muslim world is celebrating Ramadan, and @aswita, as a Muslim woman, makes desserts and meals for her family, ideal for breaking the fast. And this week he shared with us the recipe for a very traditional Indonesian dessert, which is served in banana leaves. Let's see this very traditional recipe!

Traditional Dessert Bangka, Jongkong Pandan Wrapping Banana Leaves | @aswita


This week @plantasticka shared with us an elegant and satisfying recipe at the same time: Some peeled potatoes, stuffed with chickpeas, which in addition to being delicious, have a wonderful presentation. In a post with beautiful photos, she offers us a detailed step by step of how to make this preparation. Let's see this great recipe!

Chickpea-Stuffed Potatoes: A Kick of Flavor in Every Bite | @plantasticka


Usually, @nurfay makes great recipes, and this week she shared a simple, but delicious preparation: Some spicy sweet potato fries, which are a delicious and nutritious snack. She shared this super snack in a post with a great step by step. Let's see this very spicy recipe!

Fried Sweet Potatoes with Spicy Seasoning | @nurfay


Currently in Sri Lanka there is a lot of heat, so the consumption of fresh foods is important, and taking this into account, @pranwala has shared with us a simple and profitable recipe: A pudding made with instant coffee, a recipe that looks great, which she shares in a post with a good step by step. Let's see this fresh recipe!

Delicious instant coffee pudding that is easy to make. | @pranwala


In this and all curations, we choose several of our users as recipients of the 3% post reward (each). On this occasion, we have chosen all the hivers in this post: @yole @hive.samadi @aswita @plantasticka @nurfay @pranwala , for the quality of the content they share with us, Hivers.

Delegations welcome!

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