Creamy Carrot-Curry Soup: The perfect comfort food for any day πŸ₯•

Looking for a comforting and flavorful soup to warm you up on a chilly day? Look no further than this creamy carrot-curry soup recipe! Bursting with flavors and a silky-smooth texture, this soup is perfect for anyone who loves creamy soups and comfort foods. 🌢️

Also, this soup is not exclusively for those chilly, cozy days. I would definitely make this on a summer day as well when I crave something nutritious that would still make me feel light - ready to experience all the summer adventures! β˜€οΈ

Carrots are the star ingredient of this soup, and they're not just here for their vibrant orange color. Carrots are loaded with nutrients like beta-carotene, vitamin A, and fiber, making them a great choice for anyone looking to add more veggies to their diet. And when they're blended up with aromatic spices like curry powder, the result is a soup that's as healthy as it is delicious. πŸ₯•

But don't let the health benefits fool you - this soup is indulgent and rich, with a creamy coconut milk base that adds a touch of sweetness to balance out the spices. And if you're feeling adventurous, you can customize the recipe to your taste by adding more cayenne pepper, cumin, turmeric or other additives. 🌱

So grab your favorite bowl and get ready to savor every last spoonful of this comforting, flavorful soup!

You will need:
For about 4 servings
● 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
● 1 onion
● 3-4 cloves of garlic
● 1 teaspoon ground ginger (or fresh grated ginger)
● 2 teaspoons of curry powder
● ΒΌ tsp cayenne powder (add more if you like spicy food)
● 5 large carrots
● 180 g. frozen pumpkin cubes (or substitute with about two more carrots)
● 800 ml. vegetable stock (I used 1 and a half cube of vegetable stock and 800 ml. water)
● 1 can of coconut milk (full-fat)
● Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Wash, shave and cut the carrots into cubes.
  2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic cloves.
  3. Heat a pot, add a spoonful of coconut oil and wait until it melts.
  4. Add chopped onion and garlic to the pot. Fry for 2-3 minutes until soft, stirring constantly.
  5. Add all the spices - ginger, curry, cayenne powder - to the pot and mix.
  6. Pour about 800 ml. of water and add 1 and 0,5 cubes of vegetable stock.
  7. Add chopped carrots, frozen pumpkin (if using).

    Mix well, wait until it boils and cook for 25-30 minutes until the carrots are soft. Keep stirring every few minutes while boiling.
  8. After the veggies are boiled, leave the soup to cool for a few minutes. Then blend with a hand blender until smooth.
  9. Add a can of coconut milk and mix well.
  10. Taste test and if needed, add more salt, pepper or other spices.

You can eat it straight away. Top it up with some pumpkin or other seeds, some plant-based cream and light bread on the side. If you have fresh herbs - they would fit perfectly here too!

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