simple and delicious mushroom stir fry🍄🍄

hello all friends in the community, how is your day recently?
I hope you always enjoy your daily life wherever you are.

Before that, I want to tell a little story, where did the mushrooms that I will cook come from.

Mushrooms are one of the foods that I like the most, I haven't eaten mushrooms for a long time, not because it's hard to get friends, it's just where I live from a multi-purpose shopping place Quite far .
Today while at work, suddenly my friend said there were mushrooms, I asked who it was from, it turned out that it was from my brother-in-law who was entrusted to a friend, because they really know that I like .

For This mushroom is also very good for us to consume, friends, apart from fresh plants and without preservatives in the planting process.

And these mushrooms can be processed in a number of ways, they can be fried for fritters and more.

Today I want to prepare a simple stir-fry for lunch for my beloved husband and me.



  1. Mushrooms 1 plastic box (3 ounces)
  2. Red chilies 4 pieces
  3. Green chilies 8 pieces
  4. Cayenne pepper 10 pieces
  5. Red onion 1 sium
  6. Garlic 2 sium
  7. Salt 1 SDM
  8. Tomato 1 fruit
  9. Oil eat 5 tablespoons
  10. Water white According to taste

Step 1

Clean the small shredded mushrooms according to taste.And for the chilies and onions finely sliced.

Step 2

heat the oil

Then enter the first chili

After the chilies wilt a little, add the shallots, garlic, and tomatoes

Then add the cleaned mushrooms

Stir until evenly

Add enough water and add 1 tablespoon of salt.

Then stir until evenly distributed, correct for the taste


Hope you guys like the dish.And thanks for visiting my blog.

See you again in the next post

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