Young Jackfruit Curry with Typical Acehnese Spices


The weekend has arrived, which means it's time for delicious dishes to be served at home. Hehe, I'm really happy when the weekend comes to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Even if I plan a picnic, I always prepare provisions. For some reason, my hobby in the kitchen has become an important part of me. Apart from eliminating stress, cooking also makes me train to increase my level of patience. Maybe everyone has their own way of doing things with self-control, but believe me, everything can be resolved if you start from what you like.

This time it is a popular dish in my area, usually this dish is prepared during big events or special celebrations at home. Yes, Indonesian cuisine is rich in spices, thick sauces with ingredients that are enough to make you confused. But believe me, this is a heavenly taste that you will really miss when you visit my country later.


As someone who loves traditional food, I really memorize all the techniques and spices taught by my mother. how to prepare a special curry without having to add natural sweeteners or stock. In my area, burnt coconut is the mainstay in making thick curry soups, both meat and vegetable preparations, like this, grated burnt coconut is the gong ingredient in the dish.

Young jackfruit curry soup is a simple dish, but believe me, this dish has a very delicious taste and is of course very easy to prepare at home. Below I will invite you to prepare the recipe!.


The Main Ingredient


300 grams of young jackfruit
200 ml thick coconut milk
1 stem curry leaves
2 bay leaves
2 pieces of kapu action

Ground Spices


5 dried chilies
50 grams of grated coconut
2 Spring onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 item candlenut
1 teaspoon ground coriander,
Just a little nutmeg,
3 cm turmeric
1 star anise flower segment
1 ketapang seed
¼ teaspoon cumin

Cooking Procedure

Step 1. Preparation of jackfruit

To process the jackfruit, I first cut the whole jackfruit that I got from my neighbor. I cleaned the skin of the jackfruit, well when processing jackfruit you have to use gloves because young jackfruit will release sticky sap and that is very annoying to clean.



Cut the jackfruit according to my wishes, cut it quite large, measuring 3 cm with wide areas. Then wash the jackfruit and boil it in boiling water for about 1 minute. Don't do this process for long because it will make the texture of the jackfruit soft.


Step 2. Preparation of ground spices

Before making the ground spices, first prepare the good coconut and then put the grated coconut in a frying pan. Grate the grated coconut until it changes color while stirring, then make sure the heat you use is very low. So, the original recipe for this coconut is usually dried in the sun first, then roasted and blended. However, because I didn't have stock, I made it directly using a quick method like this.


Wash all the ingredients, then cut into small pieces then blend with a little water. Add the ground coriander to the blender so that it is evenly distributed.





Don't forget to add dried chilies, I almost skipped this even though it is a much needed ingredient in curries.


After all the ingredients are in the blender, finally add the burnt coconut and then blend again until smooth.



Step 3. Time to Cook

Now all the ingredients are ready, it's time to cook on the stove. I sautéed the curry leaves, kapu laga and bay leaves in a little cooking oil.



Then add the ground spices, stir-fry briefly until fragrant and the spices are cooked.


Then add enough water, I added about 1 liter then wait until the soup starts to boil.


Once boiling, add the jackfruit pieces then add the thick coconut milk, stir and cook.





Season with salt to taste if it tastes right. Wait until the sauce boils, meaning the dish is cooked.








The delicious jackfruit curry dish is ready to be enjoyed, slurp the thick curry by combining it with white rice. Ahh, this is a delicious lunch menu that is worth cooking and serving at home. This dish is perfect, I really like the taste, spicy, naturally sweet and savory in one. The creamy texture of the sauce is added with a taste that makes the tongue sway. This is the perfect taste of curry and I think it is the best curry I have ever made.


This lunch was very delicious, I was very happy, as if I was enjoying the luxurious dishes that came to my mind. Young jackfruit is very delicious when processed into curry and is even a big dish that I often rely on when I'm with my family.




About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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