The Easy Way to Prepare Vegan Katsu Tempe

Tempe Katsu

What if tempe as a substitute for your meat. Are you going to like it? one touch can produce the best food served on your table.


A beautiful day taking your partner to the best restaurant in your town is sure to lift your spirits. But what if you bring the atmosphere of the restaurant into your home to enjoy togetherness. Creating an atmosphere inside the house will be more fun than outside, right? As someone who hates the company of crowds, it got me thinking of inspiring dinner plates with someone you care about.

Many already know, tempeh is very popular in my country, even tempeh can replace meat for the daily menu. The price is very affordable, you will get the best quality tempeh here. Even though the shelf life of tempe is not long, it proves that the market always runs out of stock of tempe if we come later in the evening to buy it.

Processing tempeh with various menu variants at home is relatively more frequent for me, apart from its delicacy, tempeh will taste different if it is processed with various flavors. Stir-fries, curries and even meatballs will create a different taste, so have you seen tempeh being processed into katsu?


Well katsu is one of the most popular foods originating from Japan, this one dish is usually served with teriyaki sauce that spoils your tongue. But what happens if I make a different variant of the sauce with tempe katsu, which is definitely made from simple ingredients. It's very easy to make, you just need to do some preparatory procedures for frying and sautéing the sauce. Let me take you step by step.

Ingredients Used


1 board of tempeh
100 grams of fanir flour
100 grams of wheat flour
1 spoon of rice flour
1 small onion
1 piece of corn
3 chickpeas
1 carrot
1 sheet of green onion

To make tempe katsu is usually not complete without some supporting vegetables to accompany the dish. So, because of that, I added some of my favorite vegetables, carrots, beans and corn. You can replace all of these vegetables with your favorite vegetables.

Cooking Steps

Steps 1

Prepare Tempeh Katsu

  • First of all I will make tempe katsu first, cut the tempe into four parts, then press or mash the tempe until it gets stuck.



  • Smear tempeh with salt all over, then marinate for 5 minutes.



Steps 2

Prepare The Outer Shell Of Tempe Katsu

  • Prepare the outer skin of tempe katsu, by mixing both types of flour with rice flour



  • Add a teaspoon of salt and then dilute with enough water.



Steps 3

Combine the Outer skin with Tempe

  • Next, I combined the tempeh with the outer skin that had been made in the form of a wet dough. Dip the tempe all over the wet mixture.



  • Then coat with the dry dough of fanir flour or bread topping, making sure all parts are covered with breadcrumbs.



  • Then keep it in the freezer for 10 minutes so that the fanir flour sticks well to the tempeh.


Steps 4

Fry the katsu tempeh

  • Fried tempe katsu in plenty of oil until golden brown. Or here you can also fry with an airfrayer according to your preferences.



  • Drain with kitchen tissue so it's not greasy. Then cut and prepare the plate.



Steps 5

Onion Sauce

  • Katsu doesn't taste complete without sauce, I prepared a simple sauce but it combines well enough for tempe katsu to be enjoyed. I prepared chopped onions and green onions,Sauté both in a little cooking oil, then add water.



  • Add chili sauce and tomato sauce, add a little salt and broth powder. Stir and cook until the sauce thickens.



Steps 6

Boil Vegetables

  • Boil all the vegetables in a little water, then cut the vegetables according to taste, arrange them on a plate and also combine everything that has been prepared above according to taste. Especially the sauce flush over the entire surface of the tempeh.





Serve on your plate tempe katsu with a simple sauce and boiled vegetables that spoil your taste buds. Make sure you enjoy everything that has been prepared, because it will be very delicious if enjoyed together. This is a dish to create a good atmosphere in your home, not only your partner, your children will definitely like it because this dish is not spicy at all and is certainly very delicious. The crunchy taste on the outside and the soft texture of the tempeh meat combine well. Moreover, the sauce is quite tempting, you will be very surprised by the results this time.



About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, photos written, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone and some photo editing by Samsung Galaxy and LightroomApp.

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