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Sticky Rice Lupis with Gula Aren Sauce


A special dessert that is a traditional dessert, it is always prepared on certain occasions to be a delicious choice when you gather together. Sweet and savory with a creamy texture that you will love.

Today I will invite you to prepare one of the special glutinous rice-based recipes. This recipe is a traditional dish that is very popular in our area. In fact, it is often found during certain celebratory events. Interestingly, this dish is also often used as breakfast by the local people so if you come to Indonesia you will find this in the morning at traditional markets.

Lupis With Palm Sugar Sauce


Lupis is a familiar name for this dish, in fact many of us call this cake the primadonna of filling and cheap breakfast. In addition to filling up quickly, sticky rice lupis is also quite easy to make with ingredients that you can easily find anywhere. One thing that may be difficult to find in some countries is banana leaves, but you can probably substitute with other wrappers that are easier to find. Still, banana leaves have a more distinctive aroma.


The combination of glutinous lupis made from glutinous rice wrapped in banana leaves and then boiled creates lupis with a unique flavor and distinctive aroma from banana leaves. The natural flavor of sticky rice is best enjoyed with palm sugar sauce which has the right sweetness.



200 gram glutinous rice
½ teaspoon salt
Banana leaf to taste
50 grams of grated coconut
Palm sugar to taste
1 tablespoon cornstarch
3 pandan leaves

Making Procedure

Step 1

I first soak the glutinous rice for about 50 minutes, then prepare all the banana leaves and sticks as wrappers, then wrap it in triangular banana leaves.





Step 2

Fold neatly which has been filled with rice and then conclude with a stick at the end of the leaf. Well try when wrapping the rice in a solid press so that the lupis are beautiful.



Step 3

Do it until everything is dones, then boil in boiling water for about 20 minutes or until the rice is cooked perfectly.


Step 4

If it is cooked, remove it and drain it, leave it until the sticky rice lupis cools. Well some of it when boiling is open it seems like I'm not tightly concluding it with a stick.


Step 5

Then steam the grated coconut using pandan leaves which are concluded to steam for about 10 minutes.


Step 6

Then while waiting for the coconut to steam, I made palm sugar sauce, put palm sugar in a pan, then concluded 2 pandan leaves.



Step 7

Add cornstarch that has been dissolved in water, then cook until thickened.



Step 8

The last step if the lupis has cooled down apply it to the grated coconut that was steamed earlier, roll it until the grated coconut is evenly distributed on the lupis then add sugar water and enjoy.







As I have said above, the taste is very unique, and the most important thing is the distinctive aroma of glutinous rice resbusan which smells of banana leaves. In addition, the grated coconut with the original pandan fragrance uhh does combine and combine well.


Especially with the melted palm sugar that is very thick, it adds to the passion to enjoy it. I really like the texture of the sticky rice, it's soft and very dense, plus the sauce is thick and sweet and not overwhelming at all. Overall, I really enjoyed this sticky rice lupis even though this was my first time trying to make it myself, the result was not bad at all.



About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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