It's Time To Enjoy A Delicious Snack Of Crispy Purple Sweet Potato Fried Dumpling

Purple Sweet Potato Fried Dumplings


What's your snack menu today?
The crunchy and soft texture is something I look for in a touch of flavour. Completely natural using easy-to-find vegan ingredients!.

Sweet potatoes will be very delicious if processed into snacks like this, the taste is just right sweet and has a soft texture making it a family favorite. Sweet potatoes are a type of tuber that is popular in my country, even this sweet potato is more expensive than other types of sweet potatoes. I don't know for sure why this sweet potato is more expensive, what I know is this is caused by the higher public interest in this sweet potato itself. So, apart from having an attractive color, this tuber itself, if it is prepared in various dishes, will be very tasty.


I am a lover of sweet potatoes, regardless of the type and color I enjoy. They were so delicious, the perfect sweet natural tenderness made me just can't miss this one. Today I will process these sweet potatoes into a favorite snack for both children and adults. These snacks are inspired from social media in my country, they are very popular here. So that made me interested in trying it, my enthusiasm when I saw the bite was very interesting. Even though they do it with a non-vegan version, this time I will try to make something different, which is to make it a vegan snack. They added cheese even milk in it, but what if it was different. Something different than usual will be in this kitchen, so let's make it!

Materials Used


  • 250 grams of purple sweet potato
  • 16 pieces of dumpling skin
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of butter
  • 1 tablespoons salt

I making with instant dumpling skin a bought it at the supermarket. I thought it would be easy, and quick for sure, but if you want homemade leather you can make it. And you can see that by visiting my previous post, find out step by step how to make dimsum skin. Because the type of dumpling skin I use can also be made for dimsum, the ingredients used are the same.

Cooking Procedure

After preparing some of the materials you need, let's do it step by step!

Step 1
Peel the sweet potato skin, then cut into small pieces or according to your taste.



Step 2
Boil the sweet potatoes with enough water, until the sweet potatoes are tender, add the sweet potatoes when the water starts to boil.



Step 3
After it starts to soften, drain it for a while, wait until it cools down.



Step 4
After it cools down, add the sugar and then the salt.



Step 5
Then mash the sweet potato while stirring with the ingredients.



Step 6
Add flour, and also margarine.



Step 7
After the dough is ready, start the shape of the elongated round dough, do it until it's finished.



Step 8
Prepare everything,apply flour for adhesive.



Step 9
wrap the dough with wonton skin apply flour for adhesive, then bud the top and bottom, Do it until it's done.



Step 10
Fry the cakes with enough oil until golden brown, use medium heat so that they are cooked evenly.





Serve it on your plate with your fruit or vegetable juice during the day, it's really good. Soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside of the wonton skin, they blend perfectly. The natural savory taste of sweet potato combined with the simple ingredients blends perfectly. It is suitable for those of you who have small children at home, they will definitely like this snack. I can spend it in an instant, they are very delicious, especially when served in a warm condition. It's perfect!.






About The Author

A woman, firm and stubborn who is called "Nurul", born in July 1993, comes from Indonesia, Aceh province. My daily activity is work.

Besides working, I have several hobbies, namely reading, writing, cooking, gardening, making crafts, and traveling. From this hobby of mine, I will develop some inspiring content for all of you. I am also very happy to discuss positive new things with all of you.

Hi Readers and Hivers, Thank you for reading and visiting my posts which are 100% copyrighted by myself, my own content, writings and photos, taken with the Samsung Galaxy A72 Smartphone.

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