Day by day: 14 Colorful Smoothie Recipes

Hello everyone!

I think this is my first post in this community which it feels a bit strange because back in the days Natural Medicine was my GO TO Community! But now, being a mom, priorities have changed and my content is focused on kids education and homeschooling.

Anyways, recently I found these pictures and I thought to share this idea of a challenge with you. Maybe its helpful and can get you enroll in some sort of a routine that you wanted to do for a long time.

THIS IS NOT A CHALLENGE in the community!

From time to time I set these mini goals (or should I call them routines?) on health and healthy eating like go vegan for a week, lemon and tea for a week, clay in the morning on an empty stomach for a week, 14 days salad challenge and many more like these examples right here.

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So, a long time ago, when I was very busy and stressed out because some things going on with school,I didnt even have time, energy and focus to make my smoothies and I felt I need them back so one day I thought to go with smoothies for 14 days.

Smoothies in the morning were my thing. They still are, actually! I was waking up at 7-8 a.m., going to university until 2-3 p.m and I only had a smoothie bottle with me. All my friends were like how can you survive with that for 7 hours?

Well, I had a LARGE bottle of smoothie!

So here they are! I took photos everyday! And now it's kinda cool to found them in my old laptop.

It was in summer, the diversity of fruits was huge!

Smoothie #1: Coconut Milk, banana, peach and blueberries

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Smoothie #2: cinnamon, banana, peach and apricot (+water)
Smoothie #3: banana, beets, apple, blueberries, grape seeds powder (+water)

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

Smoothie #4: Gren smoothie: banana, apple, spinach, fresh parsley, lemon (+ water)
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Smoothie #5: banana, tahini (sesame butter), hemp seeds, cacao, cinnamon, ginger powder, rice milk
Smoothie #6: Banana, pear, apple, ginger, cinnamon (+ water)
Smoothie #7: Banana, pear, apple, cinnaom and turmeric powder, ginger powder, cacao, oats, honey (+ water). Skip the honey or replace it with vegan option.

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

Smoothie #8: banana, pear, apple, cranberries, ginger and cinnamon (+ water)
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Smoothie #9: This was actually a juice made of beets, apple and lemon
Smoothie #10: Banana, peach, bee polen, turmeric and ginger powder, coconut milk (Skip the bee polen)

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

Smoothie #11: Banana, peach, orange, figs, coconut butter, turmeric and ginger powder (+ water)
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Smoothie #12: Banana, chia seeds, tahini, cacao, ginger and cinnamon powder
Smoothie #13: Banana, peach, figs, raspberries (+ water)900
Smoothie #14: Banana, pear, apple, raspberries, spirulina and cinnamon powder (+water)

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

I don't remember which one I loved the most but for sure peaches in my smoothie feel heaven to me so I'm guessing Smoothie no.10 or no.11 must have been one of the favorites.

It's funny that now I'm thinking how many smoothies did I have in this life? Loads and loads of glasses and bottles! hehe

What about you? Do you have a favorite recipe?
I usually make smoothies with whatever I have in hand and I never use measurements for smoothie recipes.

Btw, I'm really happy that my 3yrs old is into smoothies himself. Lucky me, he's in love with green smoothies LOL.
Here are some photos I took this last week.

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

Click on the images to see them in full resolution

Thank you everyone for reading!

Wish you a wonderful day and stay healthy!

love, missdeli 😍

Ahh almost forgot, I created this community Healthy Happy Kids cause you know, Healthy Kids are Happy Kids! ! Join anytime if you feel so! 💛

Join our community Healthy Happy Kids where we focus on sharing health articles and recipes for kids.

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