Delicious Risotto with Mushrooms and Spinach...😎

Hugs to all my dear friends, I hope you are very well, today I bring you what was my dinner today, a delight to the palate, it is the first time I have prepared this dish, I have wanted to try it for a long time, so today I dared , I had all the ingredients, so I dared to prepare a delicious risotto-style rice with mushrooms and spinach, it could be called Mushroom and Spinach Risotto, this is a marvel of flavors, between mushrooms, spinach and the other ingredients that take, they do magic, and the result is exquisite, I assure you. I share how I did it.

Delicious Risotto with Mushrooms and Spinach.


  • 1 cup of rice.

  • 3 cups of vegetable broth.

  • Olive oil, to taste.

  • 100 gr of Mushrooms.

  • Half red bell pepper

  • Half an onion.

  • three cloves of garlic.

  • Spinach, 100 gr.

  • Salt to taste.


1- Chop the garlic, onion and paprika into small squares, then in a frying pan, add a little olive oil and fry the garlic.


2- When the garlic is well fried, add the onion and paprika, let it fry for several minutes, then chop the mushrooms in half, and add them to the sauce, let cook for a few more minutes.

3- After a few minutes, we add the rice to the previous sauce, stir well, so that it is impregnated with all the flavor of the vegetables, and let them cook for approximately 5 minutes, over medium low heat.

4- Then add two and a half cups of broth, before adding the broth we heat it a little, and stir, pending cooking so that it does not stick and it is well cooked and creamy.

5- While the rice is cooking, we wash the spinach well and take it to the blender with 1/2 cup of broth, process well, and reserve.

6- When the rice is almost ready, add the spinach, stir a bit to integrate well, cook for 5 more minutes and that's it.

7- Finally, remove from the heat, and serve, as a final touch, add a little olive oil on top, and decorate with some delicious asparagus. And enjoy this delight of flavors.

I hope you liked this recipe, I confess that it has left me enchanted, the flavor is crazy, and as always it has been a pleasure to be able to share this recipe with everyone. If you know another way to prepare this dish, do not hesitate to tell me in the comments, see you in the next one, blessings.

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