jackfruit curry recipe.

Hello namaste.How are you? I hope you all are doing well. I'm also fine. Today, I'm sharing the recipe for jackfruit curry with you, which is absolutely delicious and can be enjoyed with roti, paratha, or rice.

Let's see how it's made. To prepare this dish, you'll need the following ingredients:


  1. Jackfruit - 500 grams
  2. Onions - 500 grams
  3. Some cloves of garlic
  4. Red chili powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  5. Coriander powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  6. Turmeric powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  7. Garam masala - 1/2 teaspoon
  8. Cinnamon stick - 4
  9. Whole red chilies - 4
  10. Cardamom pods - 2
  11. Oil
  12. Salt to taste

I am making this jackfruit curry for 5 people, but you can adjust the quantities according to your needs.

Firstly, before cutting the jackfruit, make sure to apply mustard oil on your hands to prevent stickiness.

  1. Cut the jackfruit into pieces and chop the onions and peel the garlic cloves.

Take a pressure cooker and heat some oil in it. Once the oil is hot, remove the cooker from the heat.

  1. Add the whole spices (cinnamon stick, whole red chilies, and cardamom pods) and let them splutter.

  1. Then, add the chopped onions . and add the jackfruit pieces and all the powdered spices (red chili powder, coriander powder, turmeric powder, and garam masala).

  1. Finally, add the crushed garlic and ginger, and salt to taste. Close the pressure cooker and cook on low heat for about 4-5 whistles.

Once the pressure releases naturally, check if the curry is cooked well and the jackfruit is tender.

delicious jackfruit curry is ready to be served. Mix it well and serve it hot with roti, paratha, or rice. If you liked my recipe, please give it a like or upvote.

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