Making Simple and Easy Kolak Kepok Banana - Recipes and Tutorials


Hello everyone
How are you today ? I hope and pray, we are all always given health and also happiness in living this life. This time, I'm back at the Plant Power (Vegan) Community for stories and recipes for traditional Indonesian plant-based culinary delights that are easy to duplicate and also inexpensive. Continue to listen to my story this time.

Do you like bananas? Banana is a tropical fruit that is a favorite of many people. Bananas are preferred because they taste delicious and also the price is affordable for local people. In addition, there are lots of nutritional benefits that we can get from bananas for our bodies. I still remember, when I played football for my college when I was still in college. We are always given bananas by our coaches after training and matches. According to our coach, bananas can provide energy to a body that is tired when exercising, I don't know if that's true or not but who can resist bananas?

In Indonesia and Medan City, where I live. We will find lots of types of bananas that grow and are sold in the market. In my memory, when I was a child every house in my neighborhood had a banana tree, but now it's rare to find banana trees because of changing buildings. However, if we go to a village or village, we can still find houses growing bananas in their yards.

A few days ago, I got a kepok banana from my neighbor, whose name is Mr. Zulfa. My neighbor just came home from his in-laws who live in the village. He did not forget to give me bananas as a souvenir because he had helped look after and supervise his house when he was away.

Kepok Banana or often also called Saba Banana is one of the banana cultivars in Indonesia. Many studies are still debating the origin of Kepok Banana, but it is believed that this banana originates from the Southeast Asian region. Kepok bananas are slightly different from other types of bananas. Usually, bananas can be eaten directly without processing, but for Kepok Banana, it must be cooked first to get a great taste.

Kepok Banana is usually processed into various dishes such as fried bananas, baked bananas or banana cake. In Indonesia, there is also a traditional dish made using kapok bananas, namely Pisang Kolak and I will try to make banana compote from bananas that my neighbor gave me.

Before I share tutorials and recipes. I want to describe a little to my friends about "Kolak". In Indonesia, Kolak is one of the most popular traditional dishes and is liked by many people. Kolak has a soup-like shape, this dish is made using three basic ingredients, namely palm sugar, coconut milk, and pandan and then adding the filling according to our wishes. Usually, compote is made with banana or sweet potato filling.

500 grams of bananas
3 pandan leaves
1000 ml of fresh coconut milk
200 grams of palm sugar
Enough water
Salt to taste

Preparation Kolak Banana

Peel and cut the bananas into small sizes, usually I cut one banana into 5 parts.

Prepare a boiler and heat enough water, cut and slice the palm sugar. After the water is seen boiling, add the palm sugar and stir the water in the pan until the palm sugar dissolves in the water.

After the palm sugar has dissolved in the water and boils, put the bananas that we cut earlier into the pot.

After that, make a knot for the pandan leaves and put it in the pot.

Preparation of Coconut Milk

Prepare a container for grated old coconut, then add about 1 liter of water in the container.

After that, we filter the coconut dregs and coconut milk using a strainer to get thick coconut milk, and the coconut milk is ready for us to use.

Put the coconut milk that we have prepared into the pot containing the bananas and palm sugar earlier. Stir until smooth and wait until cooked. I also added a pinch of salt (optional).

Stir until the coconut milk, bananas and palm sugar are well mixed. We wait 10 minutes or until it boils.

Kolak Banana is ready to be served. Are you interested in trying it?


I cooked all the bananas my neighbor gave me, and shared this kolak banana with him. I think, sharing food between neighbors is one way for us to have good social relations. Sharing food is always fun for everyone.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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