Let's prepare a delicious and nutritious fry from cashews.

Hello dear hive friends,

Good evening to all my hive friends. How are you? I hope you are doing well. The cashew harvest is good these days. Due to their milky nature, they can be a bit tricky to prepare. However, once prepared, they make for a very tasty dish. That's why I decided to try a new cooking method for cashews. Cashew fries are a delicacy that perfectly balances taste and nutrition. This simple yet delicious recipe transforms cashews into a crunchy and flavorful treat. Additionally, cashews are rich in essential nutrients, offering many health benefits while being mouth-wateringly delicious. Let's explore how to prepare this dish.



Required Ingredients...

šŸ€ Raw cashews 100g.
šŸ€ A chopped onion.
šŸ€ A chopped tomato.
šŸ€ 2 pods of chopped fish and chillies.
šŸ€ A few cinnamon sticks.
šŸ€ Curry leaves.
šŸ€ Some finely chopped garlic.
šŸ€ 1 teaspoons of crushed chili powder.
šŸ€ 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder.
šŸ€ Salt to taste.
šŸ€ 1 teaspoons of pepper powder.
šŸ€ 2 tablespoon's of coconut oil.
šŸ€ Hot water.


Method of making.

First, cut the cashews and remove their skins and soak them in hot water for about 10 minutes. Then its oiliness is also removed. Then the thin skin is easy to remove.


Next, finely chop the fish chili, onion, and tomato.


Then take a bowl and add about 2 tablespoons of oil to it. Put it on the stove and let it heat up. After the oil is hot, add garlic, curry leaves and cinnamon to it and fry it. Then add chopped onion, chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder and salt to it and mix well.

Then add the cleaned and prepared cashews and tomatoes to it and fry for about 3 minutes while mixing.



So this delicious cashew fry is ready. Cashews are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients. It has excellent nutrients in healthy fats, protein, vitamins and minerals including magnesium, phosphorus, copper and manganese. Cashews perform to support overall health such as supporting bone strength, boosting immunity. Finally, cashew fry is a delicious and nutritious food that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. And this dish will become a favorite in your house. Then I will meet with another new dish.

Thank you reading
Have A nice day.
Best Regards,

Samadi Madushanki .

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