Banana ceviche

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Looks beautiful and its' soooo tasty!

Hello my dear vegan friends of Hive!

Here in Brazil, it is hot. VERY hot! And, nothing better than a ceviche to cool down the hot days, isn't it? After revealing the amazing lychee ceviche recipe, today I want to bring you a new recipe. But this time, the star is one of the most well-known tropical fruits: yes, we have bananas!

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the star of our recipe today

And before you complain that I only changed the lychee for the banana and I'm recycling content, I'll give you the spoiler: this is a different recipe, where yes, we explore the classics that give the ceviche its flavor (AKA lime, red onion, chili pepper), but we also incorporate some more tricks and ingredients that give a special flavor to this version of the ceviche. As the banana is quite sweet, we need to add a few more touches for the taste to be amazing.

Want to prepare a delicious banana ceviche? Then, let's go to the ingredients!

Ingredients (serving for 1 person)

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To make this amazing banana ceviche you will need

3 bananas
Finger pepper
1 lime
½ purple onion
1 finger of ginger
½ orange
5 fingers of leek
parsley to taste
salt to taste
olive oil (to fry the leeks)

How to prepare

This recipe is very simple to prepare and very easy to make. Start by cutting the ingredients into very small pieces.

I always start with the red onion and in this case, we don't need to put it on ice to take the acidity out, since it will be essential to counterbalance the sweetness of the orange. Then chop the red bell pepper, the bananas, and the parsley. Place everything in a bowl and set aside.

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chop, chop, chop in tiny pieces

Ah, here's an observation: if you are the kind of person who loves cilantro, you can put it instead of parsley. But, I believe that in the case of the banana, the parsley goes better!

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Parsley and finger pepper are a must on this recipe

Now slice the leek into very thin slices and brown in olive oil. The idea is to leave the leek like a crispy chip. This detail makes all the difference.

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Leek carpaccio

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Squeeze the juice of the lemon and the orange, add salt to taste, and mix all the ingredients. Then place the leek chips on top to decorate and also ensure a crunch. It's simply delicious.

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The ceviche can be served as a starter or accompaniment to other dishes. It's a simple recipe to make and worth it.

I've still got another amazing vegan ceviche up my sleeve, this time it's made with such. If you want the recipe, comment that will be the next one that I'll put here!

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Ready to eat! Simply delicious!

I hope you like the recipe and see you next time!

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