Best Breakfast Bananas Before Vacation!

As you know, I have been on vacation this week with my family, and so I had to write a LOT before I went so I could schedule posts while I've been gone...hehehe that was a lot more work than I thought it would be lolol

But this post was actually REALLY last second as it was literally created (well, the recipe part was lol) 2 hours before we left the house!!!

I think these taste best FRESH!! So please do keep that in mind when you make them! They're tastiest when they are hot and crispy!

Let's get to it!

We had some bananas that simply weren't going to make it before we got back home, so I thought hmmmm what will be a fun and quick way that we could eat these!

Sure! We could have just peeled them and ate them! finger food is a treat on the way out the door for vacation!

Here is what was involved in the recipe!

Let me give you a HUGE tip!!! When you're working with rice paper, and frying it? There is a secret to helping it keep it's shape and not frying into a massive puff!! First...Make a brine with 500 ml of water, 1 Tbsp sugar, 1 Tbsp vinegar.

Dissolve until clear.

Pour into a nice shallow dish, I just use the bottom of my cupcake holder! It works great! hehe

Here is the brand of spring roll wrappers I use. It's actually a combination of rice flour and tapioca flour, and I find that they work nicely!

Peel your bananas - easy! I actually halved them to make them fit well in the wrappers.

Soak your paper quickly. Once they are wet on both sides evenly, they will continue to soften. Wait until they are just flexible enough to start using but if you wait too long, they will become way too softened and be difficult to use if you're a newbie to these! Take your time and keep trying! It's worth it to learn how to use these as they are great fun!!

I wanted to use some caramels for this part, and I might do that another time, but since we were getting ready to leave I decided to just lay the banana on top of the softened rice paper and sprinkle some coconut sugar alongside the banana.

Wrap up like a burrito! hehe Nice and tight, you don't want any extra air or moisture... that can cause it to bursty while frying and let all the insides run out! lol

Mine would normally look a bit more uniform here, but ...I was rushing a bit hehehe...don't worry! They were sealed enough!

Lastly, fry over medium heat gently.

THE ONE THING that rice rolls love more than you mouth??? is each other!!!! hahaha. DO NOT overcrowd the pan! They just love to snuggle against each other and will continue to sneak closer to one another! hahaha It's actually kinda cute! But don't let them touch in the beginning. When they are soft, they will STICK to one another and if you pull on them too harshly, they will tear. kind to your baby banana breakfast rolls! hehehe

Fry up, lay onto paper towels to soak up the oil, and finish with cinnamon!

I also had some syrups that I added to the recipe list. I didn't use them since that would be messy in the car, but you?? Feel free to try!!! Dip in the syrup right before popping in your mouth, and let me know how it tasted!!

Of course this is all vegan - AND gluten free!!! I hope you enjoy!! hehe

AND... I have been waiting to try a NEW experiment for when I return home...I've never seen it done before and not sure if it will work??? But I'm DYING to try! So come find me next week for a new mad scientist recipe and see if I succeed! hehe


Here is your daily clue to use to put together for where I am...don't worry - I will give you the very specific question that will help you to put it all together, but if you have been following along- and you're good with clues... then you should be able to piece together whatever you need to win the 25 HSBI! hehehe come the pics!

All images are mine.

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