Sticky Rice Flour Balls With Pandan Flavor

If you are looking for sweet snacks or desserts that are chewy and also contain melt-in-your-mouth ingredients, sticky rice flour balls are the choice I recommend for you.


One of the ingredients that can be made into delicious desserts is sticky rice flour. That's because it gives a chewy texture. Here we are quite familiar with the dish using sticky rice flour. Starting from layered cakes to desserts in the form of balls. Have you ever enjoyed desserts made from sticky rice flour ingredients?

Sticky rice flour ball is one of my favorite desserts, and also my family's favorite. Making sticky rice flour balls is fairly easy because we only need to mix the flour with water, then shape it into a ball. And, we roll to the balls.


To make sticky rice flour balls have a good taste and aroma, you can add other flavors, such as taro, pandan, and more. This time, I'm going to use Pandan flavor, which will also give the food an attractive, refreshing green color.

In a previous post about harvesting Pandan Leaves, I promised to share a recipe for desserts using the pandan. I hope you guys like my plant-based dessert recipe this time. Stay tuned!

Pandan Flavor

Without the pandan flavor, the taste of sticky rice flour is nothing. So we have to add the flavor. Since I have plenty of pandan leaves in stock from my family garden, I finally decided to add pandan as a flavor to my sticky rice flour balls.

If you can't get fresh pandan leaves, you can use instant pandan pasta which is easily found at Asia Market.

By adding pandan flavor, sticky rice flour balls will become fragrant and also taste more attractive to increasing appetite.

Fresh Grated Coconut

Another ingredient that affects the overall taste is fresh coconut, to be precise, old coconut to be grated and used as a layer to cover the balls as a whole.

Here I use coconut and then I grate it using a traditional grater. We have to use fresh coconut. Not a supply of dry coconut, not coconut flakes either.

The use of freshly grated coconut, it will make sticky rice flour balls more savory and fragrant.

The Ingredients

  • 250 grams of sticky rice flour
  • Brown Sugar to taste about 200 grams for stuffing balls
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 150 ml of pandan juice
  • two teaspoons of salt
  • Coconut milk, 100 ml

Cooking Instructions

First, cut the pandan leaves into small pieces. Then make it into pandan juice.


When finished making pandan juice, mix it with coconut milk, and salt. Stir well.


Prepare a bowl, then add sticky rice flour. Then, slowly pour in the pandan juice little by little until the sticky rice flour becomes a dough that can be formed.


Knead the flour and pandan juice mixture well until it forms into balls.


While forming the dough into balls, heat the water until it boils. Shape the dough until it becomes a ball.


Then flatten, and give a little brown sugar. Close and shape again into a circle like before.



After the water boils, add the sticky rice flour balls and boil them until cooked.


To check that the sticky rice flour balls are fully cooked, watch until the balls float, then remove and drain.



For grated coconut, mix with a teaspoon of salt, then steamed. I'm lucky to have cookware that can boil while steaming. So while boiling the sticky rice flour balls, I can steam the grated coconut.


In the final step, roll the sticky rice flour balls on the steamed grated coconut milk. Then serve while warm.



The texture of these desserts is chewy, sweet, savory, and perfect to be enjoyed with hot tea while enjoying quality time with those closest to us.

I hope you guys like sticky rice flour balls with pandan flavor this time. Hope you guys have a great time this week.



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Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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