Making Restaurant Dinner Menu at Home

Foods from our favorite restaurants make us want to make those menus at home.
Garlic Butter Baby Green Beans with mashed potatoes in plant-based version.


It's a fun challenge when we try to duplicate the food from our favorite restaurant. Although, the taste will definitely be different. At least we're trying to cook what we like in the restaurant so far.


We know why the restaurant will serve food at a higher price than when we cook it ourselves at home. So, this method is also a way for us to be grateful for how we have enjoyed good food at that favorite restaurant.

Long short story, a few weeks ago I visited a new restaurant which is now my favorite restaurant. I haven't had time to review the food here, for you guys. But I promise, I will review the restaurant here. So this time I'm going to cook a menu for dinner inspired by the menu of my favorite restaurant.


Plant-Based Version Foods


There is one fundamental difference in the favorite restaurant that I visited. The food that I ate at that time was not a plant-based version. At that time I ordered a menu with salmon as the main ingredient. Meanwhile, this time I only used plant-based protein from "Tempeh" ingredients.

Baby Green Beans


There is one ingredient that inspired me to make this menu at home. Those are baby green beans. Usually I only eat green beans in general, which are definitely bigger than baby green beans. It's just that their texture is very different. So, when I eat baby green beans, it gives me a new experience.

I was curious about these vegetables and then did a little research on the internet. I found the vegetables are baby green beans. A few days later, I also did research directly on the market that provides organic ingredients. Fortunately, I found baby green beans. I am very excited to cook the baby green beans myself at home.

Baby green Beans are the main menu in the dish I made this time for the dinner menu. Then I look for other ingredients that I can mix with baby green beans. I also have the idea to combine baby green beans with potatoes and tempeh.

Garlic Butter Baby Green Beans

The thing that I definitely remember on the Green baby green beans menu that I eat at my favorite restaurant is the seasoning of garlic. Also tastes creamy. For other ingredients, I don't know exactly. So I decided to take only a few important ingredients that I often use in my cooking menu.

I use garlic and butter. In this case I use plant-based butter, namely margarine.

Garlic Butter Baby Green Beans Ingredients


  • 250 grams of green beans
  • 3 tablespoons of plant based butter
  • 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • a pinch of salt
  • enough water about a few tablespoons if needed to avoid burning

Blanch Baby Green Beans

6D6C7943-524B-4AD0-BAB5-F42EF95A362C.jpegRemove the left and right side part, and wash them cleanly.

To serve the garlic butter baby green beans, first I blanch the baby green beans in salted water for 3 minutes. This method doesn't have to be done if you want to speed up the cooking time.


The blanch method will help the color of the baby green beans to maintain their bright color. That will make the baby green beans even juicier and crunchier. This of course will increase professionalism if served in a restaurant.


Then, after blanching, remove the baby green beans and dip them in cold water. Then set aside while we prepare other things.

Stir-fry Baby Green Beans
Cook vegan butter with garlic over low heat. Stir for a while until fragrant.


Then add the baby green beans that have been drained from the cold water before. Keep stirring until the baby green beans have a cooked texture that suits your taste.


Don't forget to sprinkle with a pinch of salt. Also pepper (optional).

Later, serve stir-fry baby green beans with mashed potatoes and fried/baked Tempeh.

Making Mashed Potatoes


We need effort to make delicious mashed potatoes, as well as good texture. In this plant-based version, I use additional ingredients including coconut milk and vegan butter.

Mashed Potatoes Ingredients

  • 250 grams of potatoes
  • enough melted butter with Chopper garlic
  • 50 ml of coconut milk
  • a pinch of finely textured salt.

How To Make Mashed Potatoes

Pel the potatoes, soak briefly, then boil the potatoes until they become soft.


Remove the boiled potatoes, drain the water. In a large bowl, mash boiled potatoes. I use two stages.

The first stage I use a potato masher.B39A0088-6E90-405A-8A73-91A1BB9D0B5F.jpeg

After that I use the bottom of the glass to mash the potatoes into a finer texture.

Then, prepare the other ingredients. Mix mashed potatoes with all ingredients, add coconut milk and butter that has been melted with chopped garlic before. Also sprinkle with a pinch of fine salt.

After it is thoroughly mixed and the texture of the mashed potatoes is to your liking, it's time to serve with "Garlic Butter Baby Green Beans."



By the way, I almost forgot to mention one thing. I've also fried the Tempeh while waiting for the potatoes to get cooked when boiled. So quite a time saver.


I shape the tempeh into a round shape, then fry the Tempeh until golden brown.

So, after everything is done, it's time to serve on a serving plate.


I put mashed potatoes as the base of the shape. I just made it random.

After finishing forming the mashed potatoes, then I added garlic butter baby green beans on top of the mashed potatoes.

Don't forget to add Tempeh and a little detail on the greens (I added Romaine Lettuce).


As a final touch, I added a sauce made from garlic butter and coconut milk. Also, I added spicy sauce to the serving plate.


So, what do you think about the appearance of my dinner menu this time, which is inspired by my favorite menu at a restaurant? I am quite satisfied with the overall taste of my dinner.

I love those baby green beans. Seasoned in a simple way and..., that's how the taste made me remember about that food. ❤️

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend, food lovers!



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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