Hello Sweet Life. Shopping With Me For Vegan Sweetener Contest

Sweet but sometimes dark.
Like dark chocolate but can be a favorite.


Take a walk around the market to take advantage of the remaining time for another moment. Looking at the sky that might be a different color every minute. Seeing people with certain friends to go to the market, or even someone who confidently goes to a mall but feels happy.


Hypermart at my living city.

Buying sweeteners during this shopping activity made me reflect on many things about life. As usual, walking around even while shopping makes my brain think about things I can share, especially on this blog.

view from around market before the day completely dark.

Well, I'm more often seen sharing about food. But for a long time, I'm a writer, and I'm still preparing my new book about life in the future (I'm still thinking about a lot of things, especially about my book circulation strategy so that my published book won't go to waste).

Back to the topic of shopping this time, sweeteners, especially sugar in general, make many things sweet and happy. Sweeteners that drive away the sour taste, make us not afraid to try something sour taste because there will be sugar that changes the taste. But, too much sugar in life will also bring many problems to the body, especially the trigger for diabetes and obesity. So, we must be wise in consuming sugar in our lives.

Hypermart Binjai City.

I only buy the necessary sweetener products. No supply of vegetables and fruits. So, I only shop for these sweeteners in the city where I live. Precisely located in downtown Binjai City.

This afternoon looks crowded because it is already approaching the feast day for the Islamic religion. Inside Hypermart Binjai City has also been decorated for Islamic religious holidays. The pillar-shaped decoration of the mosque is also ketupat (a typical food during Eid Al-Fitr).


Inside the Hypermart Binjai City, our special holiday food and drink stocks are also expanded. Such as cookies and syrup, as well as sweet and refreshing canned drinks. There are also dates for the iftar menu.

I visited the white sugar display. This is most important because cane sugar made from sugarcane is the most popular we use for cooking and beverage mixtures. I also bought a kilo of white sugar for $1.



Continuing to other areas, I am looking for other types of sweeteners for making desserts. At Hypermart Binjai City it is also quite complete. We can see different types of sugar. Starting from white sugar, brown sugar, Javanese sugar/gula jawa, rock sugar, also palm sugar with a sandy texture.




Besides buying white sugar, I also bought liquid brown sugar, and brown sugar that has a texture like sand. We call this ant sugar because it has tiny particles like ant nests.




I also bought dates. Well, I also tend to use dates as a sweetener for smoothies or plant-based iced milk.


one of my fav type of dates with still hard in texture and not too sweet in taste.

Shopping for sweeteners this time was quite fun because I did it all at once to wait for iftar time. When leaving Hypermart Binjai City, the sky was almost dark. The sun is about to set. I photographed the area around. The parking area was filled with cars. The sky also looks busy painting the beauty before dark meets the night.


Whatever our activities today, I hope it makes us happy even in a simple way. It's as simple as we can smile looking at the sky at sunset. If you can't smile in amazement when you see a sunset, maybe you should learn to appreciate the small things in your life to be able to achieve the bigger ones. See you at my activities in the kitchen. :)



Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.



Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person: authoranggreklestari@gmail.com
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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