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Green Delight With Authentic Peanut Sauce

A fresh morning is worth living with a fresh breakfast without much processing.


Food that is processed with many cooking steps is not only troublesome and time consuming. Apart from that, it can also reduce and even use up the nutrients in these food ingredients.


Currently my focus is on getting maximum nutrition from the food I get. So, I didn't lose any money (I even had to buy some vegetables at expensive prices with supplies that were hard to find in the market).

But I'm not really someone who can eat raw vegetables. So, usually I use the method of boiling, or steaming, or stir-frying with a little oil. As much as possible, I avoid adding flour and then frying these food ingredients.

Being used to eating less processed food makes my tongue feel strange if I eat food with a lot of processing. Well, I guess we just have to get used to it.



Like for example for breakfast. I got used to eating lots of vegetables without rice or potatoes, or sweet potatoes. Also, I will eat fruit if I run out of vegetables for breakfast.

Less processing doesn't mean it tastes completely bad. In fact, we have to be creative to create flavor combinations that work well. For example, to make a sauce that feels strong so that the main ingredients can be covered well.

That's why, this time I will make peanut sauce to help the less processed vegetables taste delicious. Peanut sauce served with vegetables is inspired by our traditional menu called gado-gado.

For the sauce, you can use instant peanut sauce mixed with a little olive oil and sesame seeds if you don't have a supply of fresh peanuts in your area.


Another note, of course you can replace the vegetables in my recipe with local vegetables available in your area. For example, asparagus, can be replaced with broccoli; edamame can be replaced with peas; romaine lettuce can be replaced with cabbage or more.

I called my creation this time Green Delight With Peanut Sauce. Do you have another name that might be more beautiful than mine?



  • 4 stalks of asparagus according to your preference
  • 2 small bunches of romaine lettuce
  • 1 cucumber, I used Japanese cucumber
  • 150 grams of edamame



  • 1/2 cup of fresh peanuts
  • some of red chilies according to own spicy preference
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 5 small cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons brown sugar
  • 100 ml of water


Preparing Asparagus


Remove thin skin from asparagus with a potato peeler. Then cut into pieces according to your taste.

Boiling Asparagus and Edamame


Bring water to a boil. Then add the chopped asparagus with a tablespoon of salt. Cook them for about five minutes, or according to your preferred level of texture doneness.

Once you have finished boiling the asparagus, do not throw away the water in the pan. Boil edamame for about 5 minutes.

If you don't use edamame but use peas, so feel free to skip this step.

Roasting Peanuts



Roast peanuts until they change color. Pay attention not to let it burn too much because it will cause a bitter taste when it becomes a sauce later.

Pounding Roasted Peanuts

I use a traditional tool for pounding roasted peanuts. For an easier way, you can use a Chopper or food processor. Then, set it aside.

Mixing Onions and Chillies


Mix red onion, garlic together and pound them well. Don't over-pound.



Add brown sugar just before finishing the pounding session. Then set it aside.

Cooking Peanut Sauce


Heat olive oil or whatever your vegetable oil stock. Add pounded chillies, keep stirring to avoid burning.


Then add pounded peanuts. Also, 100 ml of water, and salt. You can also add vegetable broth instead if you are a vegetable-broth lover.

Bring them simmer, then the peanut sauce is ready to use.



Arrange all the veggies on a serving plate. Starting from lettuce, asparagus, edamame, and slices of cucumber.

Then, pour peanut sauce over the veggies. You can also top them with fried onions for extra crunchy and savory taste!


I really love this way to enjoy vegetables without many veggie processing ways. Really suitable for healthy breakfast and you are still learning to love vegetables.

Authentic sauces tailored to your individual tastes can be very helpful for enjoying less-processing veggies!

❤️❤️❤️ See you Veggie Lovers.

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009