Blue Ocean Desserts With Coconut Milk

Pour vegan milk into jelly pudding.
Feel what your tongue finds among the vegan ingredients.


Take a walk in the garden, there are many things to discover. Priceless happiness is as simple as realizing the fresh air you breathe. Then, when you see an edible flower, it's a blessing to be thankful for.

It is not easy to grow and maintain edible flowers in the garden. If the edible flowers have grown a lot, the garden will look even more beautiful, we can also make many variations of food and drinks using these edible flowers.


One of my favorite edible flowers is the blue pea flower. The beautiful purplish blue color always captivates my heart. Even though it doesn't have a strong fragrance or taste, blue pea flowers can provide many benefits.

CBFA08D2-075F-438E-90F4-EBFED3CA23BC.jpegBlue pea flowers or butterfly pea flowers are very easy to propagate and have lots of vines that allow them to form bushes quickly.

Harvesting Blue Pea Flowers


Taking a container, then I walked back to the garden behind my house. I'm grateful to still have a few blue pea flower plants that survive in my garden. These edible flower plants were almost destroyed by my husband who thought that these flower plants were just ordinary weeds without flowers.



So, for now, my blue pea plants still look small and have not yet formed a bush. There aren't too many flowers that bloom, but enough to make a variety of food or drinks.

I also harvest fresh flowers that have dried on the plant. I'm going to make blue pea pudding which I will serve for desserts on a hot day. A dish named Blue Ocean Desserts.


Anyway, you can make hot or cold versions of these desserts. If you want a cold version, you can add ice cubes. If you want to enjoy the warm dessert version, then you have to cook the sauce until it simmers.


In this recipe, I use Agar powder because of the plant-based version. You can use gelatin for the non-plant-based version.

It was a hot day so quickly that the blue pea flowers that I had harvested withered. That's not a problem at all because I'll be mixing the blue pea flowers with boiling water. Let's start to make blue pea flower desserts.

The Ingredients


  • 1/2 teaspoon agar powder
  • 800 ml of water
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla powder or vanilla essence
  • one handful of blue pea flowers
  • 500 ml of ready-to-drink coconut milk
  • pandan leaf (optional)

Cooking Instructions

Mix agar powder and sugar with water.

Prepare a saucepan. Mix agar powder and sugar with water also pandan leaf if you have it. Stir well, then bring them to a boil. If it doesn't boil, then the agar powder will fail to set into a jelly pudding texture.

Wait until the mixture looks like bubbles appear on the surface. But keep stirring them so that the powder doesn't burn at the bottom of the pan.

Add blue pea flowers.

After the agar powder mixture boils, add blue pea flowers and also, add vanilla powder or vanilla essence. If using fresh blue pea flowers, wash them first with water (room temperature water, not ice or warm water).

Let them simmer.

Wait a few moments until they simmer and the water has changed color. Mine is a turquoise color. Maybe your color type will be different

Turn off the heat, and stir for a while to reduce the hot steam. Then let it cool for about 15 minutes.

Transfer to bowl.

After it cools down a bit, transfer the mixture to a bowl. You can also use a bottle or drinking glass. Then, store it in the refrigerator until set before serving.


Slice jelly.

So that the mixture has turned into jelly pudding. Remove from the fridge, then slice the jelly with a fork. Poke the jelly pudding slowly.

If you use a glass or a drink bottle, it will turn out to be even more beautiful and suitable for traveling. I only use bowls because I serve this dessert only at home.

Pour coconut milk.

Pour ready-to-drink vegan milk. Here I use coconut milk. I'm going to serve a version that's neither cold nor warm. So I let it not make the coconut milk warm.

I immediately poured the coconut milk into the jelly pudding bowl. Then, I stirred it a bit to make it look more beautiful.



Taaaadaaaa! I have a dessert dish that I call Blue Ocean Desserts. Looks beautiful, right? From blue pea flowers to Blue Ocean Desserts.


I like the combination of the sweet taste of jelly. Also, the savory taste of coconut milk. You can use soy milk or almond milk. But my favorite is still coconut milk. How about you?

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Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009

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