Make delicious, colorful onde-onde cakes

Plant Power (Vegan)
Make delicious, colorful onde-onde cakes


Hello friends lovers of hives and food

back again with me but this time I want to share a snack that is legendary in my country. This is the first time I have made this market snack, market snacks are very unique, especially this market snack, this is a legendary cake in my country.

Have you ever seen a cake that is round but has unique fillings such as green beans, red beans, peanuts and others and this is one of my favorite traditional snacks, its name is onde-onde, but this cake is different from different regions and there are different names. who call it sesame dumplings and onde-onde.


This onde-onde is the first time I have made this market snack, usually I buy it at a coffee shop or at the market, but this time I wanted to make it myself at home by looking at several tutorials on the internet and I decided to make colorful onde-onde like the atmosphere. my cheerful heart

Ingredients for making onde-onde cake:


10 tablespoons sticky rice flour
300grams green beans
6 tbsp granulated sugar
100 white sesame seeds
2 potatoes
3 pandan leaves

how to make :

(1) The first step is to make the filling, namely green bean paste, I boiled the green beans which I soaked overnight with the addition of pandan leaves and a little salt, then after the green beans were cooked I took the green beans and blended the green beans until smooth.


(2) After the green beans were smooth, I started cooking them to reduce the water content in the green beans, so that later we could shape them easily.


(3) After the green bean butter had cooled, I started to roll up the green beans and then let it rest for a while


(4) and then I made the skin, namely with 100 grams of sticky rice flour and 2 potatoes which I had boiled and then mashed, then I used a little water to mix and knead the skin dough after the texture was as pictured.



(5) and after that, take a little dough then round it and flatten it, fill it with green bean jam, then round it again and put sesame seeds on the surface by pressing a little so that the sesame sticks together perfectly.


(6) and after everything is done, the tip for frying onde-onde is to fry it in oil that is not yet hot so that the onde-onde doesn't pop when fried, fry until the onde-onde floats and the skin hardens.







and after that the onde - onde are ready here I make them colorful so they are attractive to look at

That's all my post this time, I hope you like the onde-onde recipe that I shared, and don't forget to try this recipe, friends.

See you in the next post, friends

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Who is @aera8?

My full name is Aera binti Rasyidi, many friends on the Nest platform call my name Aera, I come from the country of Indonesia which is specifically located in Aceh Province, I was born on 11/13/2001 until now I graduated from high school with an integrated Islamic boarding school education . I like interesting and unique things and I also love food and art and new things, so on this beloved platform I will share cooking tutorials, art, traveling and other interesting things.

Thank you for your visit

Best Regards @aera8

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