Let's enjoy the yellow pumpkin dish

Usually yellow pumpkin is only made into coconut milk sauce, but this time I served it differently, processing it into a sweet and soft snack for breaking the fast later.

Plant Power (Vegan)
make a yellow pumpkin tray

Hello friends, everyone, hive and food lovers

hello everyone, back with me again on this occasion I want to make a preparation made from yellow pumpkin, a few days ago my husband returned to his hometown, and my mother-in-law gave us several yellow pumpkins, some of which were young and some which were already cooked, today I plan to process only old yellow pumpkin for snacks later when breaking the fast, and to make this talam cake I use ripe pumpkin

here I want to make a yellow pumpkin tray, actually this is the first time I have made a yellow pumpkin tray, hopefully the results will be satisfactory, here I looked for a recipe on the internet after I studied it, I don't think it's difficult, then I started practicing it myself, first for the ingredients. I already have it at home so I don't need to go to the market anymore

Ingredients for making yellow pumpkin trays:

yellow layer:

300 grams pumpkin without skin
150 grams of granulated sugar
250ml coconut milk
50grams rice flour
100 grams tapioca flour
1 tsp salt

white layer:

50 grams of rice flour
30 grams of tapioca flour
1 tsp salt
250 ml coconut milk

how to make :

(1) The first step is to peel the pumpkin, cut into small pieces, then steam the pumpkin for about 10 minutes, then cool the pumpkin

(2) After that, prepare a blender then add the steamed yellow pumpkin, salt, sugar, tapioca flour and rice flour then 250ml coconut milk in the blender until everything is evenly mixed.

(3) After that, prepare a baking sheet, grease it with oil, add the steamed yellow dough first for about 15 minutes, then prepare it for the second white dough.

(4) use 50 grams of rice flour, 30 grams of tapioca flour and 1 teaspoon of salt, then 250 ml coconut milk, stir well until everything is dissolved, then pour over the layer of pumpkin, steam for 30 minutes over medium heat, and after that the pumpkin dish is ready to be served.

Here are some photos after it is finished

because this is for breaking the fast, I kept some of this talam cake in the refrigerator so that it would be even tastier, and after breaking the fast I tasted it, apparently this cake is delicious, soft and sweet, I gave several pieces to my child, and my child likes this talam cake, next time I will make it again like this

That's all my post this time, I hope you like the pumpkin talam cake recipe that I shared, and don't forget to try this recipe, friends,

See you in the next post, friends

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Who is @aera8?

aera8 is a housewife
whose hobby is cooking, traveling, gardening and likes something unique, likes the latest things and challenges, but this is where I channel my talents, and start to learn a lot more from all my friends, and I am very happy to be able to make friends with my great friends who come from various countries, happy to be friends with everyone, I hope you never get bored of reading my posts, and if your friends like it, don't forget to reblog my post, greetings friends from aera8❤️

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Best Regards @aera8

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