Arrested for Offending Buddhists 😶

Award-winning Sri Lankan writer, Shakthika Sathkumara, stands accused of having hurt the religious feelings of Buddhists and advocated hatred in connection with a short story that he had published on his Facebook page. The short story, ‘Ardha’ (‘Half’) angered Buddhist groups in Sri Lanka, who allege that the story is derogatory and defamatory to Buddhism owing to its indirect references to homosexuality within the Buddhist clergy and also due to a different rendering, told by the characters of the short story, of the legendary story of “Siddhartha” in Buddhist literature. In April of 2019, he was arrested and held in detention for 127 days. In September he has to go to court, where he is still facing charges of malicious intention to outrage religious feelings and inciting hostility, with a punishment of up to 10 years in prison.

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Source: Arrested for offending Buddhists
Location: Sri Lanka

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