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13 MAY 2024

I recorded a guided meditation using my updated personal intentions. Came out pretty good I think!


After a week or so of using my previous intention statement, I found there were some adjustments to make.

I deeply appreciate the meaningful connections I share with all beings in my world. My heart is filled with gratitude for the nurturing bonds within my family, the enriching presence of cherished friends, and the remarkable trust and affection bestowed upon me by the wise and loyal crows who grace my life. I love their voices, their individual personalities, and the way they act so comfortable and natural around me.

Playing the quena and yidaki fills me with boundless joy as I effortlessly channel my innate talent. Each note flows from my soul with flawless precision, captivating both my audience and the natural world around me. The melodies I create resonate harmoniously, drawing in the crows as they recognize and celebrate the enchanting sounds of my music.

I am filled with pride, excitement, and a deep sense of rejuvenation when I gaze into the mirror, enamored by my physical appearance and the vibrant energy radiating from within. I revel in my strength, vitality, and inner power, which imbue me with a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

I joyfully embrace my freedom and vibrant health, living a life filled with vitality, clarity, and natural highs. I am deeply grateful for my sharp mind and impeccable memory, effortlessly retaining knowledge and effortlessly recalling information with clarity and precision.

With the gift of seeing auras and regularly experiencing lucid dreams, I am keenly attuned to my existence as a spiritual being navigating the human experience. Each day, my vibrations ascend as I gracefully traverse life's journey, attracting abundant financial wealth from every corner of the universe.


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