A Raptor Looking for his Family - Another Update on the Art for my Upcoming Book

Hunting raptor - Copy.jpg

Hypersensitivosaurus felt a stronge urge to visit his family but these days traveling wasn't as easy as it used to be.

No need to explain the above. I'm sure most of you can relate. Suffice to say that I am actually seriously considering to visit ( friends and family in ) The Netherlands, for the first time in over 400 days. It's a little complicated logisitically but I'll get there, step by litte dino step.

To create this piece of dino collage art, I made use of the same style and technique that led to the 'recent' Fast Food. Remember this speedy bird?

Fast Food s.jpg

In other words: I taped this dino on my wall, in front of a projected background. The bg is a photograph of the landscape around here, taken on today's walk. The dino itself is a cut out of a fineliner drawing that I color painted a day later.

Flash Back to a couple of days ago,

I looked for some velociraptor images, online, to get inspired for the illustrations for my book.

The following photo shows 4 drawings that I came up with, based on Jurassic Park toys, among other things. I later painted them intuitively.


Who knows... the other three raptors, aside from the green, red, orange one, might be turned into collage art too, one day.

In all honesty, all of these 4 were attempts at drawing a more agressive looking raptor, or at least a different kind of perspective on Hypersensitivosaurus. I realized that I don't just want the imagery for my book to look too cute all the time. It felt important, nevertheless, to maintain some cuteness/ playfulness.

What follows is a different view on Cold Turkey, based on a photo of a turkey cleaning its feathers. I used a fineliner and water color pencils and felt like integrating the shaved off pieces of a bunch of pencils that I'd sharpened just before, as were it some kind of colorful nest.

This fragment of my book inspired the drawing:

The big bird decided that the scary looking hunter had indeed given up on the chase. It finally relaxed, chuckled nervously - or perhaps even in excitement - and sat down for a bit, to clean its feathers.
A nasty but deeply ingrained habit that it didn't even enjoy itself."

Cleaning Fathers.jpg

Let me wrap things up with some less detailed, quicker sketchies, depicting

Hypersensitivosaurus(' arm ) lashing out at Mrs. Mosquito

hypersensitivosaurus and mrs mosquito.jpg

an extremely tired Cold Turkey with trembling legs

Tired Turkey.jpg

and last but not least a close up of the poor birdie's trembling legs:

Tired Turkey Legs.jpg

I was thinking of adding these kind of sketches throughout the book and interchanging them with the more elaborate art(y) pieces, like the wandering raptor at the top of this post.

What I'm trying to figure out though, is how all of this will look in black and white ( contrast wise and all ) as I plan to get my book published on E-readers, among other places.

Right now, I'm struggling a little with Reedsy(.com), the book editor that I'm using. It seems like I can't change the image size and I'd like the sketchies to be pretty small and the collage art to be on a separate page each. I will get there, eventually.

Let's remind ourselves that it's all about the process, the journey ;<)


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