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Mycelium Running - If There Was Ever A Book To Change The Word, This is It! ( Book Review )


I get so excited about this book, that I often find it hard to know where to begin, when I start to describe it to people. Just now, I have sat staring at it,fully aware of how life changing it is. And yet how can I possibly sum it all up.I could just come out and say, this is the book, that will help us save the world. Which is exactly what is stated on the front cover and which more importantly is true!

If you are fascinated by mushrooms and the incredible network that they create beneath our feet then this book is for you! If you are passionate about finding solutions and living sustainably, then this is the book for you! If you are curious about how the natural world works, then this is the book for you!

If you are into regeneration, then this book is for you. If you are into natural healing, once again then this book is for you!


I honestly believe, that this book is for everyone, because we all need to be making more conscious decisions, about how we interact with the world. The problem that sometimes arises, is that some folk immediately get turned off,when you mention mushrooms, because they think it is about magic mushrooms,and the psychedelic movement. (Which, to me, is another very interesting topic.)

But no, this book, well this book is about solutions. It is about education and observation. Exploring the many ways in which the digestive powers of mycelium can be utilized to strengthen natural habitats, whilst also producing so many nutritional and healing benefits for the earth and for us humans.

It is full, of so much wonderful knowledge and moments of awe dropping wisdom, opening your eyes up to fungi and the huge role they play in keeping our natural world alive! Every page, is full of such amazing information, that I have had to read it quite few times, just to try and grasp what is being shared!

I certainly found it very mind blowing (I still do) and it left me feeling so positive, about the relationship that we can create with the natural world and the opportunity we have, to create a better world for ourselves.

The minute you open this book, you are hit with such amazing facts. For example,the book starts with -

There are more species of fungi, bacteria and portozoa in a single scoop of soil, than there are species of plants and vertebrate animals in all of North America.


Fungi, are nature's natural recyclers and they recycle everything that they come in contact with, even plastic, which has been a more recent discovery. If you were to pick up a fallen log, you would see white cobweb like growths, which is mycelium. An amazing web of cells, that exists beneath us all, which is used as a means of communication between plants and the soil that they are helping to sustain and create.The mushrooms themselves, are the fruit of the mycelium.

Above is the index of the book, with each page containing so many great photo's and diagrams, which is great for those of us who are very hands on, when it comes to our learning. I really like to see things, as I learn about them. Of course seeing them first hand is best, but the photos in this book are really great.

It starts with describing what Mycelium is, which I have touched on above, but really what I described is only a snapshot. Because there is so much more to it and the more you learn, the more you realize how powerful and healing it really is. It goes into the science of it all, which is explained really well and lets face it, we do need to now what we are working with, especially if this is the path you wish to follow in life. The regenerative path.


Then we take a look at Mushrooms, and their life cycle. Their role in nature. Mushrooms reproduce through spores. When the conditions are right, those spores are freed from the mushroom and germinate in to cells called hyphae, which when connected with other hyphae create mycelium, which in turn create mushrooms.From here the book goes onto discussing the natural habitat of mushrooms and the relationship or more like partnership they have with plants.

Some mushrooms form beneficial relationships with many different species of trees, ensuring that they thrive within their habitat.One example is how, the presence of certain mushrooms prevent blight in certain trees. Within this section they also talk about the relationships between fungi and insects and the impact it has on the environment.

Next is a look at the many medicinal benefits of mushrooms. I found this section so valuable, when I was researching alternative treatments for my sister when she was diagnosed with cancer. The most medicinal mushrooms come from old growth forest, really pressing home the importance of protecting our trees. There is a mushroom suitable to treat ever condition that humankind can experience and that in itself speaks volumes for their healing capabilities.


The book then moves on to talk about Mycorestoration, which is using fungi to heal and restore the environment. All life springs from the soil, so it is imperative that we understand the many ways in which we can help rejuvenate it. This amazing book, looks at four ways in which we can implement this, using mushrooms. Through:

  • Mycofiltration - using fungi to filter water
  • Mycoforestry - to enact ecoforestry (prevent forest fires) and cultivate with crops
  • Mycoremediation - to decontaminate toxic waste
  • Mycopesticides - to control insects.

Providing the solutions we need in which to live more harmoniously with the earth. This section really blew me away, especially as I read about how they break down toxic chemicals,heavy metals and radioactive elements by digesting them. Simply Mind Blowing!


The last section, tells you how to grow mycelia and mushrooms. In order to grow mushrooms, you first have to grow mycelia. It provides techniques that can be implemented, to overcome any challenges that may arise. First it takes a look at the different inoculation methods. If you wish to grow outdoors, it is best to use a combination of the 3 described in the book. Spores, Spawn and Stem Butts.

This section gives an indepth look, into how each of these work and how to implement them. What conditions are needed and how to create them, if needs be. It also tells us, what species is know to grow from each method.

Then it moves onto cultivating mushrooms on straw and cow manure. There are also many other alternative materials that you can grow Mycelium and mushrooms, which is also discussed in the book. I have included a photo from the book, which lists the trees suitable for cultivating gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. One of 3 pages.

This book, really makes me feel confident, in my ability to create a mushroom farm, something I have yet to do, but will definitely be undertaking in the future. Fuelled, by the in depth information from this book. With the photographs playing a huge part in giving me that confidence, as I can see each step taking place in the cultivation process. Providing such a wonderful visual guide.


It ends with a section on the nutritional properties of mushrooms, plus a wonderful section on the different species that grow around the world, their growing habitat and their medicinal value.

This amazing book, creates a beautiful link, between mycology, permaculture and natural medicine. Showing me, how mushroom farms can become healing centres for all life forms. It certainly ignited my passion to create one, and to this day, I still look at this book and get very excited. Which I think, became quite apparent as you read this review.

If there was ever, a book to change the world, this is it!

This review was written as part of the JANUARY BOOK REVIEW CONTEST, which was created by the Hive Book Community.



