The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM)


The book that has helped thousands of people change their lives through the right start to the day and morning rituals.

What if tomorrow any (or even every) area of ​​your life could miraculously change? What would be different? Would you be happier? Healthier? More successful? Would you be in better physical shape? Would you be richer? More energetic?

What if there is a simple but not obvious secret that is guaranteed to help you change every aspect of your life - and to do it faster than you can imagine?

The morning rituals suggested by the author of this book have helped tens of thousands of people change their lives, feel better and do more. In the book, you will learn how the first hour of the day determines your success and allows you to reach your full potential. Change how and when you wake up and how you spend the first hour - and you can change your life, namely:

Reduce stress levels;
Improve overall health, lose weight (if needed);
Wake up every morning with a charge of energy;
Earn more;
Find your calling and follow it;
Increase productivity and learn to focus on key tasks.

about the author
Hal Elrod, at the age of 20, was hit by a drunk driver (at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour) and was dead within six minutes. Doctors managed to save his life, but they told Hal's parents that he had severe brain damage and might no longer be able to walk. However, after six days of fighting for his life, Hal proved that each of us can overcome any difficulties and obstacles. Not only was he able to walk, but he also became an ultramarathon runner, renowned speaker and coach, husband and father, and author of several best-selling books.

Success is closer than you think.

Thank you for your attention!!!

Peace in your home.

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