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there's beauty all around us, you just have to want to see it.

I decided whenever I go for a walk from now on I will take photos of random things I see and bring beauty to what may be absolutely fucking nothing to most people. #bekindrewind


This poster has been up since the spring of 2022. Allegedly this person was stealing tomato plants from peoples yards. #2022tomatothief


This happy face spray paint has been on these mailboxes for well over 2 years. The city does not give a fuck. #fuckthepolice


A smol GIRL attempting what seems like mount Everest in her eyes, but in reality is just a snow bank on the side of a non busy street. #depthofperception


The city makes you clean up graffiti on your own property if its visible to others. You must spend your hard earned money on shit you didn't want to spend your hard earned money on for something you didn't do. If the city didn't like it so much, maybe they should pay for the damage AND the repair. #maybeilikedthefucks


A SMOL GIRL, who made it up Mount Everest. #success


The indoor grow lights of a fellow neighbor, keeping her indoor plants warm and full of light while we endure a freezing cold winter and blankets of snow. #plantlivesmatter


The remnants of children playing hockey in the streets & the beauty of being a kid while not having a fucking care in the god damn world. #tobeakidagain


"I expect you home when the street lights come on" #thegoodoldays


Harmless toddler vandalism or reenacting a scene from the breakfast club? "Were all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it. That's all."


Remains of a 2022 Christmas Holiday. #itstocoldtotakethemdown


A wild snowman in the wild acting wild. #adrunkolof

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